Being The Mother Of A Child With High Abilities

Being the mother of a child with high abilities is not easy. Here are some guidelines that you can follow for your education.
Being the mother of a child with high abilities

Mothers spend many hours a day with their children. They observe them closely and interact with them in different contexts. In fact, they are the best predictors of your abilities, capabilities, interests, and needs. For this reason, the role of a mother of a child with high capacities is so important for the development of her child.

Thus, many times, mothers are the key factor in identifying giftedness. And, also, for their psychopedagogical intervention and correct response to their specific needs for educational support.

Being the mother of a child with high abilities

Being the mother of a gifted child is not an easy task. But it is very enriching, since you have the opportunity to raise and educate a child with extraordinary abilities. Despite this, a gifted child should not be treated in a special or different way. You just have to learn to adapt to their way of being and their demands. 

The role of the family in the development of the potentialities of a child with high intellectual capacities is fundamental. Therefore, especially  mothers, must acquire resources to respond to the intellectual, emotional and social needs of their child.

Being the mother of a child with high abilities.

In this sense, it is essential that they contrast their impressions with the school from the beginning and that they are informed of the various processes of:

  • Detection.
  • Evaluation.
  • Provision of educational measures.

In this sense,  educational intervention will not be successful if there is no collaboration and commitment between the family and the school. That is, there must be fluid communication between the two contexts in which the child spends most of the time.

Objectives of the intervention being the mother of a child with high capacities

Mothers of gifted children should not forget to provide affection, support, and affection for their children. Also, they have to focus on providing an education that meets their needs. But you have to avoid demanding and putting too much pressure on them, as well as overvaluing some of their capabilities over others.

Therefore, it can be said that the fundamental objectives of family intervention are the following:

  • Promote the personal interests of the student, without losing sight of the balanced development of all their abilities.
  • Encourage their participation in various activities (educational, sports, recreational, etc.), but without overwhelming them.
  • Adapt the level of family demand to the possibilities of the child.
  • Enhance their intellectual autonomy and self-esteem.
  • Make sure they have a social life, interacting with people their age and establishing friendship bonds.
  • Maintain a good relationship with the school.

Importance of the relationship between family and school

As we have already mentioned, it is important that the family and the school maintain a good relationship. So that they share approaches and the child can perceive coherence between the two contexts in which they develop.

Being the mother of a child with high abilities.

In addition, school professionals must periodically carry out, with the participation of the family, a follow-up and an evaluation of the measures adopted, so that the follow-up serves to:

  • Introduce changes and improvements in the learning process.
  • Analyze educational strategies.
  • Coordinate forms of psychopedagogical intervention.

And the continuous evaluation serves to:

  • Assess all aspects of the teaching-learning process. 
  • Improve the most deficient aspects.

Therefore, it must be borne in mind that education, both at school and at home, is essential for the comprehensive development of children with high abilities.

Activities for children with high capacities

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