Being A Father Is A Wonderful Event

Being a father is a wonderful event

Being a parent is a truly wonderful event. An adventure full of magic, emotions, illusions and hopes. Tinged with sweetness, tenderness and innocence. It implies an inexplicable love capable of overflowing even the hardest hearts.

To undertake the path of parenthood is to discover with amazement the infinite surprises that being a father entails. A blessing for which you will feel happy and grateful day after day. Taking on the challenge of facing, with an unprecedented joy, the responsibilities and obligations of a role that cannot be reduced to a biological aspect.

Since that new life bursts into yours, you understand that the interests and interests of your children will come before yours. Above all, you will understand that you will become an example or role model for those children who absorb everything.

Being a parent is not like any profession. Well, in this case, the title is awarded first, and then the career is learned. It is giving life, and maintaining it. Sow patience and water love day by day to finally reap a unique, special and whole person.

 To be a father is to become a superhero without a cape

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To be a father is to become a superhero without cape or sword. Here the double life responds to his own and that of the son, not to an attempt to fight a crime. Every dad will know well the world and the admiration that the eyes of a devoted son have for his figure.

To be seen as super powerful, wise, strong and noble beings. Teach to walk and smile at one’s adversities. Father is the one who does not reveal the secret of how to live, but who only lives and lets his children see how it is done.

A magic potion, a protective shield unto itself. That man who has been the luck of every child is capable of giving everything for the protection and care of a child. When I say “dad” to you for the first time, you will feel that this weakness is also capable of strengthening you more than ever. A love that makes us invincible.

Every time you see him laugh thanks to your cuteness and games, or when you perceive the security that you transmit while he is not afraid of danger, you will understand the immense power of being a father. Multifaceted: doctor, psychologist, counselor, cook, inventor of lullabies, storyteller and indulgent indulgence. That’s being a dad.

The privileges of being a parent

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No one is born with a parenting manual under his arm. But at least we all have a guide that reminds us of what we live as children. That is why, dear father, you suffer when you hear a sob or cry from your son.

You also suffer in the separation for their first days of school, when you see their small luminous eyes crystallized by tears. You begin to suffer with the vaccines and the first plagues. Even the preliminary nights out of adolescence and a possible empty nest haunt you.

Even so, you understand that the logical thing is to strengthen their wings from a young age to finally let them fly. Without fear or anguish. Because you have the certainty of having been an excellent dad who gave everything to make his son happy. To equip that little giant with the best tools and values.

And you did everything in the name of love, of the family that you built. And those old fears were lost in some corner who knows when. Probably while you were combing that princess, or letting your favorite doctor heal your “pupae” with her plastic instruments.

Perhaps you lost that absurd fear in the park, when you were playing ball with the future Messi, or in that river where you shared fishing adventures and talks that will always remain etched in his heart. All that, dear father, speaks of time and dedication. Of course, also effort. You did very well, daddy.

For that and for much more, being a parent is an adventure. Perhaps the most beautiful of all. Facing terrifying challenges that turn into rewarding experiences. Embark on a path of mutual learning and teaching. Surrender completely to an unparalleled love that will change your life forever.

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