Aunt Is My Second Mother

Aunt is my second mom

An aunt is often as excited about babies on the way as their mothers. The aunts are a fundamental pillar of the family who always lend their arms to cradle the child and their hands to help the parents as much as possible.

The love that an aunt feels for her nephew is very special because it has a lot of joy and adventure. A friendship arises between the two that feeds on confidences, mischief, playtime and also, naturally, some discipline.

And although certainly aunts tend to be more permissive than parents, they know how to prudently and delicately mark the limits and adequately ensure the safety of their nephews.

All these characteristics make children see their aunt as a second mother, for them an aunt is a friend and also a person who provides protection and security in times that are normally very happy.

A second mom who tells me stories

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An aunt is almost always a point of balance between the child, his father and his mother, because she knows them all quite well and that is why her point of view on certain matters can be quite correct.

Aunts are also a good source for stories. They can always remember funny childhood episodes with their siblings and lovingly tell them to their nephews.

An aunt is like a second mom because she also becomes a nurse or a teacher if her nephew needs it. In it your nephews can find a helping hand and a sincere confidant who will always look out for their well-being.

Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister and share joys like a friend

The figure of the aunt helps the healthy development of the child

The role of aunts in the life and development of children is very important in several areas, one of them is psychological, since their figure is important for the psyche of the Unconscious Family Structure.

This “Unconscious Family Structure” is fed with the family ties that preexist each of us and that exist (functioning) in our unconscious.

They are the family secrets, the way to bond with our ancestors. They are the unsaid, the half-said, and the misunderstandings. All this welcomes us, structures us and determines us from our most unconscious psyche ”, explains the psychologist Florencia del Rocío López in an article.

The arrival of the baby changes everything

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When a new member enters the family, the lives of all its members change. The aunts, in effect, feel like a second mother who will take care of her nephew as if he were her own child.

In fact, many aunts learn to be mothers when they hold their nephew in their arms and find a beautiful role in developing their maternal instincts. All the roles and functions that they imply are redefined with the birth of new children in the family; and nephews especially make the bonds between siblings – who are now dad, mom or aunt – tighten. 

The love between the family will surely grow from the moment that the heart of that aunt feels the warmth of her little nephew, when she loses herself in the look that those little eyes give her and connects with the tenderness of that little person that she will love as if it came from her bowels. That love will grow and transform as your nephew grows. Time will make the aunts go from being “babysitters” to being friends.

Aunts are important, don’t forget

Do not forget that aunts can share these interests with their nephews due to certain hobbies that children cannot develop freely with their parents, due to lack of parents’ time, or for any other reason.

In addition, and as an article explains, there is a kind of bond between uncles and nephews comparable to that of grandparents, but the generational difference is not so great and the expression of affection is very different.

Melanie Notkin, founder of Savvy Auntie (an online community for aunts and godmothers), explains how the magic of the relationship is based on the fact that for uncles there are no responsibilities that parents have to carry out of obligation and that definitely makes a big difference in the kind of relationship they establish with their nephews.

Aunts are unforgettable accomplices

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