Activities To Work On Social Skills In Children

From starting a conversation to complimenting or apologizing, social skills are necessary in children’s lives. With these activities, they can learn them in a simple and fun way.
Activities to work on social skills in children

Regardless of whether they are more open or reserved, shy or outgoing, all children need to establish social relationships. Communicating, interacting and sharing with others is necessary to achieve healthy physical and psychological development.

However, the ability to relate properly is not always intrinsic, and needs to be learned and trained. Therefore, we propose some activities to work on social skills in children.

Not having the appropriate social tools can lead to serious difficulties for minors. From self-esteem problems, sadness and fear of rejection to stress or social anxiety.

Thus, it is important that, from their early years, we provide them with sufficient resources so that they can see social interaction as something simple and rewarding.

Activities to work on social skills

The social skills that we use every day and that we can work with children are numerous. From the simplest, such as introducing yourself, paying a compliment, or starting a conversation, to the most complex, such as following directions, asking for help, or setting limits.

Children doing some activities to work on social skills.

Next, we will focus on some of the most important ones and how they can be trained in a simple and fun way.


To work empathy with children, we have to help them identify the moods of others, understand them and react appropriately.

To do this, one of the simplest exercises is to show them images of faces expressing different emotions and ask them to name what they think they are feeling. It can also be done the other way around, that is, give the little one an emotion and invite him to represent it with his own gestures.

Books and movies can also be very helpful tools for fostering empathy. Thus, we can ask the children what each of the characters feel and what makes them feel that way. In the same way, it will be interesting to encourage them to think about what emotion they would experience in that situation and how they would like to be treated by their environment.


Assertiveness is an essential social skill, since it is closely related to self-esteem. To work on it, role-play is one of the most appropriate activities.

Thus, it is about putting the children in pairs and explaining the situation they must represent. These can be asking for a favor, saying “no” to a request, expressing an opinion, negotiating with the other person …

Before doing this activity, it is important to explain to them the proper way to express themselves without disrespecting others, but defending our opinions and wishes. The rest of the children act as spectators and decide what they think of the scene, what is good and what could be improved.


To learn to cooperate, it is necessary to confront children with games or activities that require teamwork. The Gymkhana  team, for example, can be very interesting. In them the children will have to share their skills to solve the tests and puzzles.

“The Great Turtle” is another game that is as useful as it is fun. In it, several children are placed on all fours and, on them, a mat is placed, which would be the shell of the turtle.

They are then asked to carry the turtle from one point to another or to go on a circuit. In doing so, they will verify that it is necessary to coordinate their movements so that the shell does not fall off and the turtle can move forward.

Kids jumping rope, one of the easiest free movement activities to do.

Other activities to work on social skills with children

To work on social skills in children, the most appropriate thing is to do it in a natural and fun way in everyday contexts. For this, for example, board games can be very useful to teach children to respect turns.

The traditional game “Simon Says” will be ideal to work on the ability to follow instructions. And dynamics, such as blindfolding and being guided by a partner, will enhance interpersonal trust.

Above all, we must remember that the family is the main socializing agent and parents are the main reference figures. Therefore, our own behavior will be the best guide for our children.

Let us become aware of how we relate to each other, how we express ourselves and what idea we transmit to them of social interaction. Acquiring these skills in childhood will surely prepare them for success in multiple areas of life.

The importance of social skills in children

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