Summer Clothes For Newborns

Summer has arrived and your baby has also been born. As usual, with the high temperatures, we dress in light clothes, but should newborns also wear little clothes? 
Summer clothes for newborns

When children are born in seasons with climates as radical as winter or summer, parents often have doubts about how to dress them properly. In the case of summer, it is often assumed that the child should wear little clothing to combat high temperatures;  But, exactly, what is the summer clothes for newborns?

The answer may be contradictory, as newborns perceive temperatures differently than adults or older children. Thus, while for us the weather may be inclement and hot, the baby may feel cool and, in some cases, may even feel cold.

Summer clothes for newborns

As we anticipated, newborns do not perceive temperatures in the same way as adults. This means that we must take several considerations when dressing them during the summer.

The first one refers to the fact that newborns regulate their body temperature through their feet and their head. So, even if the day is particularly hot, you should try to keep these two parts of your body warm, of course, with cool fabrics like cotton.

The second consideration has to do with the type of skin that babies have. Because of how thin and delicate it is, newborn babies are prone to irritation from the effects of heat or the friction of the fabric on their skin if the clothes are too tight.

Therefore,  the baby should be provided with newborn clothes that do not fit tight and that do not contain any synthetic elements, but only organic fabrics, preferably white.

With summer clothes for newborns, we must seek to keep their feet and head warm.

Types of fabrics recommended for newborn clothes

When dressing the newborn during the summer, the choice of fabric should always be prioritized over the design. The best options are pieces made from natural fibers, such as cotton, hemp, linen, silk, or ramie.

Of course, the first place without discussion is occupied by cotton in its different presentations. Choose the options in which the garment is made with cotton in its entirety ; In addition, try that, preferably, it is not dyed, especially with dark colors. Before buying, you can verify all this information on the label of the garment.

Types of outfits for day and night

The newborn baby should wear some basic clothes during the summer that will give comfort and protection to his skin. The essentials are flannels, bodysuits, socks, hats and the blanket.


White and cotton flannels are essential in the baby’s trousseau. They are very versatile, because if the temperature rises excessively, it will also allow the baby to have a soft fabric to protect his chest by uncovering it a little.


Choose cotton bodysuits that have rivets on the front and bottom. These will allow you to change and unbutton your baby’s clothes a bit to refresh him.

For the summer season, you can choose short bodysuits that give your legs a bit of mobility and prevent sweating.

Cotton socks or stockings

Always wear cotton socks or stockings. You can choose a model that has a thin fabric, so that it shelters the child, but not excessively.


As with the feet, the newborn’s head should always be warm. You can choose between cotton or crochet.

The cotton blanket is one of the best options in terms of summer clothes for newborns.


The light cotton blanket will be the great ally during the summer. We can play with it and, in this way, dress the child in comfortable clothes and use the blanket as a warm accessory. This will allow the baby’s skin to breathe and its temperature can be adjusted during different times of the day.

As a final recommendation, do not apply perfumes to the baby’s skin during these warm months to prevent irritation; Also avoid wearing accessories that make them sweat and irritate their skin.

On the other hand, remember that, during their first month of life, newborn babies should not go to the beach. Given this essential suggestion, suspend any recreational activity near the sea.

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