Sweet Recipes For Babies From 9 To 12 Months

Desserts, smoothies, porridge and mousse. Choices for sweet recipes can be very varied, but the nutritional contribution and joy they provide for your baby is, without a doubt, out of the question.
Sweet Recipes for Babies 9-12 Months

Here are some sweet recipes for babies from 9 to 12 months. You don’t need to be a great cook or spend a lot of time, so don’t worry. These are simple dishes that you can prepare for your baby and include it in his diet in moderation.

At the beginning of life it is very possible that the baby has a predilection for sweet flavors. This is because this taste reminds you of breast milk, which has been the only food until approximately 6 months of age.

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Remember that, in general, many are more attracted to the sweet taste than the salty one. They simply cannot resist a delicious dessert, a delicious ice cream or a succulent flan. Or perhaps they opt for healthier alternatives, such as fruit desserts or smoothies.

Something similar happens with babies, and this has an explanation. The taste buds during the first months and years of life are very sensitive and tend to reject bitter flavors. This is part of the survival instinct.

Anyway, remember that it is not advisable to give the baby excessive amounts of sugar on a regular basis. Research published in the journal  Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences  links frequent intake of this substance with an increased risk of developing obesity and metabolic diseases. This association is even stronger in the case of babies, where nutrients determine the composition of the microbiota and affect their developing organs.

Here are four sweet recipes for babies from 9 to 12 months that you and your little one will love. Try them and help him to experience new sensations!

4 sweet recipes for babies 9 to 12 months

In this phase of his life, the baby’s feeding begins to resemble that of the rest of the family. Of course, it is necessary to make some adaptations so that you can eat food without problems.

Sweet foods can be introduced as a snack or dinner. It is advisable to choose fresh, nutritious ingredients with different textures, colors and flavors to expand the food repertoire as much as possible.

Sweet recipes for babies 9-12 months are adored by little ones.

1. Kiwi and apple porridge

One of the first fruits that is recommended to add to the regular diet of a baby is the apple. Together with other fruits such as pear or kiwi, it can result in an exquisite porridge with important nutritional contributions.

Both fruits are rich in soluble fiber. This substance is favorable to develop a beneficial microbiota that helps in the prevention of diseases. This is stated in a study published in the journal  Nutrients where the consumption of pectin is related to an improvement in the functionality of the intestinal barrier. Also, this recipe does not contain added sugar, which is always a plus.


  • 1/4 kiwi peeled.
  • 1/4 peeled apple.


  1. Crush the kiwi.
  2. Pass it through a fine strainer to separate the black seeds.
  3. Crush the apple and mix everything.

The benefits of apples for the human body are well known: it contains almost no fat or protein and provides a huge amount of minerals, such as potassium. It also provides vitamins and is very good for the digestive system: it is easy to process and contains a lot of fiber.

2. Yogurt with fruits

Yogurt is an excellent food for babies 9 to 12 months of age, because it facilitates digestion and has a very smooth texture.

Combined with fruits, such as pear -as in this case-, banana or apple, it is an excellent alternative for the baby to have a balanced diet.


  • 100 grams of apple.
  • Yogurt for babies.
  • 2 teaspoons of jam.


  1. Wash, peel and cut the apple into pieces.
  2. Put it in the blender with the jam and yogurt.

3. Quinoa and banana puree

One of the most nutritious snacks we can offer our baby. Quinoa has excellent properties: it is nutritious, low in calories, contains bioactive substances and provides large amounts of fiber.

Also, the banana is a very good food for babies, since it is very favorable for the proper functioning of the digestive system. So, this is one of the most recommended sweet recipes for 9-12 month old babies.


  • 1/2 banana.
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of cooked quinoa.
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt special for babies.


  1. Place the peeled bananas in a bowl and puree them.
  2. Add the cooked quinoa, cinnamon, and yogurt.
  3. Mix and serve.
Bananas are a great alternative to include the first foods in the baby's diet, whether in terms of solid or ground.

4. Banana mousse

Another great way to incorporate banana into your baby’s diet. This time, with a more liquid consistency, but just as delicious.


  • 3 bananas.
  • 150 grams of yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 1/2 lemon.


  1. Mash the peeled bananas together with the lemon juice and the yogurt.
  2. Add honey and beat until you have a creamy mixture.
  3. Serve in glasses or glasses and store in the refrigerator until cool.

Prepare sweet recipes to introduce into your baby’s diet in moderation

In addition to those detailed here, we could add many other variants and combinations of fruits that your little one will surely like.

The main thing is that you instill in him a healthy diet from a very young age and, of course, that you pay attention that he receives all the nutrients he needs.

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