7 Things You Will Forget When You Are A New Mother

7 things you will forget when you are a new mother

Becoming a mother is much more than having a baby. Being a mother is the beginning of a new life, it is when you discover what it really is to be a mother and what unconditional love is really like, the greatest love that exists and that you have never understood before, no matter how much other women and mothers, had you explained over and over again.

Only when you are a mother do you know what it is to be one and it is also the only way to feel the purest love that exists: love for children. But when you become a mother there are also some things that you will forget and that although sometimes you miss them, they will not be a priority for you.

1. The long nights out


It is possible that before becoming a mother you went out to dinner with your friends, friends or with your partner and later you went to have a drink to enjoy the night … And that without realizing it, they gave you the late hours. That was normal before, now it is not. Now if you want to go dancing all night, of course you can … but you will have to leave everything well organized at home and that your husband or a babysitter is attentive to your children while you are away.

2. The time to enjoy rest

Surely you have ever lain on the sofa or in bed just to enjoy the rest, without looking at the clock. No hurries. No obligations. Sometimes there were Sundays for that. No longer. That feeling of infinite tranquility disappeared as soon as you became a mother. You don’t want to look for it again, because even if you find it, it won’t last as long as you’d like. Although of course, while it lasts, you can enjoy it.

3. A hot tea … alone

There is nothing better than enjoying a cup of hot tea to savor the tranquility. But when you have children it is very difficult to do that at home. It is possible that those who invented the microwave did so because they had children and needed to heat food – and infusions – faster, or at least heat the tea up to 5 times before drinking it.

4. A bathroom alone

It is difficult to have a relaxing bath when you have two or three children jumping around. Or while they throw their toys in the water for you to play with. Or when you are bathing but need to use the toilet. The same happens when you want to urinate, the usual thing is that your child is by your side looking at the toy catalog, or not?


5. Watch an entire movie

Maybe you do watch entire movies, but for children and when your children are over 4 years old. Before that not even children’s movies are an option for you. Putting on an interesting movie means your child wakes up in the middle – if you put it on at night.

Putting it on while they are awake is simply not something that can be done. And what about going to the movies? ‘What’s that?’ You may be wondering … Don’t worry, in a few years you will be able to return. Although you will always have the option of the babysitter.

6. Sleeping through the night

This is the greatest utopia of all. Sleeping through the night with babies or young children just isn’t possible. It doesn’t matter how much you need it or how tired you are. You will not do it unless you take turns with your partner or you hire a babysitter to get up for you on some specific nights that you see that you can not even with your soul of fatigue.

Although you should also know that once you are a mother, your internal clock adjusts to baby mode for the rest of your life. No matter how old your child is, the slightest noise will make you jump up and look around your child’s room to find out what’s going on.

7. Last minute plans

When you are a mother, last minute plans will have passed to a better life. You will always have to anticipate everything and have things well planned. Although it is true that as your children grow up you can improvise some game afternoon, and it will surely turn out great!

What are the things that you have had to forget since you became a mother? Surely there will be more than one and more than two …

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