How To Prevent A Baby From Being Startled?

How to prevent a baby from being startled?

For a baby that has just been born, many things can be very unpleasant, because they no longer have the same limits that protect them as before. Therefore, faced with a continual feeling of insecurity, it is normal to startle, especially at bedtime, if you hear a loud noise or are near a strong light.

In addition to these factors, your little one will have to experience a series of sensations that, probably, you will not be able to prevent . Scenarios such as interaction with the pediatrician, contact with clothing fabrics, hunger, moving from one place to another, water on the skin, excess noise, etc. Faced with this, the strange thing is that it does not startle.

Baby startles are normal, but we can make them feel better

Fortunately, there are some tips that will help you avoid these terrible moments, which keep you in a constant state of alert. Of course, holding him in your arms, stroking him in stressful situations, speaking gently to him and not letting him cry for long minutes will allow him to feel in a safe space .

On the other hand, it is recommended that you be close to him at night , for example, sleeping with your little one in bed ( co-sleeping ) or the crib in your room, so that he does not feel alone for a second and you can attend him quickly when he calls you with his delicate cry.

What is the Moro reflex?

All the little ones come into the world with various involuntary movements or reflexes , which are clear signs of good health. Startle, better known as the Moro reflex , is one of those signs that are detected in the first evaluation of the baby .

This consists of the extension of the arms and the opening of their hands with the palms upwards, when they feel that they need support. . They also open their eyes with a frightened expression and tense their back and shoulders.

The Moro reflex should not persist beyond the first four months

Usually, disappears in the first four months of life . And, if it does not present it, it suggests an anomaly in the brain  or the spinal cord; but if you do the movements to the side, you could have a fracture of the clavicle  or damage to the nervous system.

However, If it persists after this period, it is important that you consult your pediatrician to rule out other neurological damage .

Tips so that your child does not startle

The first three months of a newborn are momentous, since it is how long they take to adapt to the environment that now surrounds them. This does not mean that you isolate him completely, but it does mean that you take certain precautions with him so that he does not startle too much .

Surely, we all want to see him rest calmly and that nothing disturbs him, so that he dreams of the little angels. So it’s time to get to work with these simple tips that will allow you to achieve this goal. :

  1. If you think put him to sleep  inside a car or bassinet, rock it with light movements; otherwise, you will experience a feeling of emptiness and may startle.
  2. If he starts crying out of hunger, don’t keep him waiting so he doesn’t get anxious. Food must be on demand .
  3. Do not immediately take it to a bright room, if it was in a dark space.
  4. Do not subject it to sudden changes in temperature or strong air currents .
  5. Avoid tight clothing and dress him in soft cotton garments.
  6. Try to put him in a small crib, so that he feels safe .
  7. And when it comes to visits, don’t let them wake him up. Demand them to wait to meet you.

Mom’s lap, the best refuge

For these little angels, there is nothing better than the warmth of mom to feel good . For this reason, you have to carefully take care of the way you hold it, especially in the area of ​​the head and shoulders.

Bundle him with your love so he feels safer in the world

When sleeping, try to move it gently and carefully so that the neck is not without a support . During the bath, changing clothes or diapers are circumstances in which we have to give them the greatest security, so that they do not despair.

Mommy, you are their perfect shelter in this environment that they are about to know . Take care of it with a lot of love and you will see that it will not suffer so many shocks.

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