Homemade Plasticine For Children

Do not miss how to make homemade plasticine to make with children at home, you will have a great time together!
Homemade plasticine for children

Play dough can be a great tool for developing your child’s different skills. This can help develop motor skills and creativity. Our children must face new challenges every day, which will help them grow up healthy. And that is why parents have to give them the necessary tools to develop all their physical and mental skills

Fortunately, many of these elements are discovered at the time of play  with different objects, one of them is the clay Its smooth texture and wide variety of colors and scents are characteristics that children love, because they feel capable of freely creating what their imagination dictates . So it is no coincidence that most schools include this material on their school supply lists.

And it is not only about having fun, but also about strengthen precision every time your little one tries to shape a figure . This ability is known as motor skills  fine which, in this particular case, depends directly on the coordinated work of the bones, muscles and nerves of your little hands.

A little one who has had the opportunity to enjoy long hours playing with play dough has a better chance of learning to read  and write more quickly . This is going to be reflected once they pass initial education and start primary school, at which point they should already be agile with their hands and fingers to start with other challenges.

Recipe for making playdough at home

modeling clay-3

Yes mommy and daddy they want to take advantage of all the advantages that plasticine hides , we bring you this incredible preparation so that your little ones always have at home. Do not lose detail and get to work.

What are we going to need?

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • ½ of salt
  • 2 tablespoons cream of tartar (has a similar effect to yeast)
  • Vegetable dyes (liquid or gel)


In a medium saucepan, you are going to mix the water, the cream of tartar, the oil and the flour and turn the stove to low heat, so that it does not burn. Stir constantly, until it peels off the walls and forms a ball .

After this step, you should remove it and wait until it cools down. Later, knead it for two minutes, take small portions of the mixture and add a drop of food coloring to each bit . Here you must be very careful because the idea is that the color remains on the plasticine and not on the counter.

Keep kneading until it is a uniform color and voila! Play with your little one, get involved in this important stage and let your imagination fly as high as your dreams . When done, store it in plastic containers or airtight bags for the next adventure.

Make your little one a part of this fun job, regardless of age. For example, If he is 6 or 7 years old, you can ask him to give you the materials with the exact measurements , so that he begins to relate to mathematics; but if it is smaller, try to ask only to put the ingredients.

Growing up in a world of colors


Who has not felt butterflies in their belly every time they see the love of their life Playing?  Without a doubt, all parents have had that feeling at some point. However, when they play with playdough, don’t worry about the mess or that they are going to get something dirty , so we are going to reveal a list of benefits that this material has for them:

  • Helps children stay relaxed and overcome stress
  • Increases attention and concentration capacity
  • Encourage the smallest of the house to achieve goals
  • Increase your self-esteem by meeting your goals
  • If you use the homemade plasticine, you will know that you are not in contact with a toxic product that affects your health, especially if you are curious to try it

This activity should always be supervised by an adult and is recommended for children over two years of age . It never hurts to sit down with them to create figures and show them everything they can do themselves.

Let your children build their own world from their fantasies. Teach them to grow free, without limiting their imagination and letting them discover life Enjoy these moments of happiness with them and live this magical stage with them.

Benefits of play dough for children

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