Your Home Should Be An Emotional Refuge

Your home should be an emotional refuge

All human beings need to feel protected to be happy. That protection is found in security, the security that a home provides. A home, in addition to being a physical refuge, must also be an emotional refuge. There is no greater refuge than that in which we feel valued, understood, supported, and above all, loved. 

The emotional refuge of home

Emotional shelter is not only important for adults, it is also essential for children. Children are fragile and innocent beings who are forming their personality, their identity, they learn from what they see, that their greatest examples are their parents … Without a doubt it is necessary that for children to grow up healthy and happy, they work in a home as an emotional refuge.

If you want your children to grow up and develop healthy and happy, you will need to create an emotional climate at home that helps them to be themselves, that they know that they are respected people for who they are, that they can feel good and bad if they need it. … And also, they have their family by their side all the time, for better and for worse… The family will be their greatest pillar.

The home as an emotional refuge we can be ourselves, we can develop without judgment, without labels, without fingers that point to you. In a home there is trust, habits, routines and norms that must be understood and not neglected. Respect for each other, understanding and good work is very important. Family members should know that at home, love is in the air.

Intelligence and emotional education

In a home as an emotional refuge, some elements cannot be missing: empathy, assertiveness, self-control, kindness, respect, trust, communication and love. It is important to take care of your own emotions to find the common well-being of all the people who live in the same home. For this reason, Emotional Intelligence should be part of daily life.

In addition, in a home where there are children, emotional education cannot be lacking. Children need to learn to understand their emotions and also those of others. Children are the ones who suffer most intensely when conflicts are experienced at home, and the worst … They bear the worst of it because negative aspects can be undermined in their personality that make them have a heavy emotional load. 

Conflicts are inevitable, even the best families can experience conflict within the home. But the secret is learning how to handle those conflicts, how to learn from them to find solutions and that in the future that same conflict does not affect the home in such a negative way. One way to deal with conflicts is to speak them truthfully and honestly, talking about the emotions and feelings that that particular conflict has generated in us.

How to make your home a good emotional refuge

To make your home a good emotional refuge, you must first look into your heart and realize that the better you feel and the happier you are, the better the harmony you give off. If you feel good, you will act well and those around you will notice it too. If you feel bad, you will have to find solutions so that those negative feelings do not take over you. Take care of the moments you spend with others and with yourself.

Another idea is that you are able to treat your family as if they were recording you on camera. Why? Because if you feel that others see you and judge you, it is likely that you bring out your best face, your greatest kindness and that you treat your family and yourself with all your love. But it is not necessary to be recorded for that, surely you know how to achieve it consciously.

You can also start taking care of what you say and how you say it. You can say things with love and respect. We all like to be spoken to with affection. Don’t let stress, routine, or bad moods get you used to speaking harshly to those you love the most. Trust is earned with respect, so respect others and speak to them with the same affection with which you like them to speak to you.

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