6 Keys To Creating A Diary Of Emotions With Children

Emotion diaries are very interesting tools to use with the little ones so that they learn to know each other better and understand their emotions and feelings.
6 keys to creating an emotion diary with children

Every day more experts recommend creating an emotion diary. Why? Because it is a powerful tool for people to get to know each other better and increase their vital happiness and self-esteem, among other benefits.

So if such a diary is so positive, why not do it with children? In reality, there is no reason not to take advantage of this tool and help the little ones learn to know, accept, understand and love each other more.

Why create an emotion diary?

The teacher and researcher Juan Lucas Onieva López offers us some interesting clues about the diary of emotions in children. Among the most important benefits that stand out are the following:

  • The child’s self-esteem grows.
  • You gain self-confidence.
  • Relations with the environment are improved and strengthened.
  • Increase academic performance.
  • Improves motivation and coexistence.

This type of newspaper avoids improvisation. In this way, a systemic improvement is made in the learning and knowledge of emotions with a very adequate constancy.

Obviously, children also become aware of themselves and their surroundings. They know their emotions, minimize mental stress, respect others more and increase their perception.

It also helps them express themselves freely and with greater emotional awareness, which allows them a more sincere communication, since they know

  • Identify emotions.
  • Talk in detail about your emotions.
  • Express feelings.
  • Write freely and with greater capacity for expression.

How to create a diary of emotions with children?

Let’s take the next step. That is, how do we create an emotions diary with children? It is a relatively simple job that can be done both in the school and in the family.

What is the child’s situation?

We will take the first step when we know exactly what the child’s personal situation is. He’s really shy? Have you lost someone close and dear? Are you showing an overly insolent attitude? We will analyze, first, its particular state.

Identification of emotions

We already know how the child feels according to his circumstances. Now, it would be positive, for the boy to learn to identify his emotions, that we use tools that serve to get closer to him in a subtle way.

Let’s think, in this case, of stories, movies, short films, series, a collage , a song, an artistic representation, etc. In these types of resources, the little ones can feel identified and, what is better, can see and understand emotions and forms that help them express them through the journal.

Plasmation of emotions

When we refer to the emotion diary, it is common to think of writing. However, with children it is not always so simple. Depending on their age, it is interesting to look for other formulas that help them to express what they feel.

How will we do it? Depending on each case, we can use various formulas and processes. For example, look up synonyms, sayings, riddles, etc. We can also use word searches, crosswords or games that relate to the emotions they feel.

Using the senses in the emotion diary

The children’s journal of emotions has to go beyond the simple expression of ideas and words. To do this, we can help the little ones to create an exercise in which all the senses are represented.

Girl writing a diary of emotions.

Children, in this way, learn to associate emotions with the senses, such as smells, the tactile, the visual or the auditory. For example, expressing ideas blindfolded, touching something and tasting a product to explain what part of the emotional spectrum attracts them, etc.

Artistic formation

It is also necessary to provide the newspaper with a space for freedom of expression in which each child can let out their most artistic and creative part. For example, you can create a collage , a poem, a photographic composition, etc.


It is also important that the child works in the journal more or less frequently. You do not have to force him, but you do encourage him to feel motivated and want to continue adding new emotions.

In conclusion, it is worth remembering that this type of emotion diaries can be carried out both individually and in groups, with siblings, in class, with friends, etc.

The creation of the emotions diary is interesting for the little ones, since it helps them to know themselves better, to meditate, to understand the world around them and, ultimately, to be more self-reliant and enjoy high self-esteem.

Help your child understand their emotions

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