5 Monster Books For Children

These books will make the smallest of the house see in a different way one of the characters most feared by them: monsters.
5 monster books for children

Monsters are characters that only exist in literature and motion pictures. Although it is true that, sometimes, children fear these characters thinking that they will appear under their bed.

In this case, reading and books are good allies to show and teach the little ones that monsters are only the result of their imagination, and that they only appear in the places mentioned above.

Through books we can teach children that there are also stories about funny and good monsters that they will love and can become their favorite books. Here are some of these monster books for children that reflect the true reality of these characters.

Monster books for kids

1. The Monster of Colors

The Color Monster has become one of the best-selling books in history and one of the best to work on emotions with the little ones.  The protagonist of this story has mixed emotions and has such a mess that he is not able to put them back in their place.

Monster books for children.

A monster book for children whose protagonist will be adored for his sympathy and nobility. What better way to show the other side of the monsters while working on emotions? Likewise, such has been the success of this title that its author, Anna Llenas,  published a new adventure with the protagonist monster entitled The Color Monster goes to school. 

2. I will kill monsters for you

Martina is the main girl in this story, who is afraid when night comes because of the monsters that may be under her bed. A very normal fear that many children experience in childhood and that, through this fantastic illustrated book, they will be able to overcome it.

The surprising thing about this book is that on the other side lives Anitram, (Martina in reverse), a pink monster who has the same fears that Martin has of, that is, he is also afraid of what he can find under his bed: people .

A story that parents and children must read and work together to express and combat the fears of the little ones, especially the fear of the unknown.

3. Where the monsters live , a classic monster book for children

One of the most classic monster books for children in children’s literature is the one written by Maurice Sendak, which was and continues to be so successful with this children’s audience that,  in 2009, a film based on the book was published . 

Although the book was published in 1963, the publishers Alfagura in 1995 and Kalandraka in 2014 again picked up the publication of the story.

The protagonist of the story, Max, is sent by his parents to bed punished without dinner for his behavior. Suddenly, upon reaching his room, it has turned into a true jungle: he has entered the world of monsters.

The monsters accept him as one more in their world, even making him their king, but there comes a time when Max longs for his parents and decides to return home. A book that wants to show in a symbolic way the anger that its protagonist has, the phases of anger and the moment when everything returns to normal.

Source: GabboT [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)]
This illustrated book was widely commented upon at the time of its publication, because in the years in which it was published, the figure of a rebellious child who answered his parents was not normal at all.

More monster books for kids

4. The monster of monsters

This monster book for children does not feature one monster, but three!  Each one of them wants to be the most abominable and the scariest, but since none of them agrees, they will decide to build a monster with all the characteristics they want.

But something strange happens when they build it and the three protagonists get a great surprise that you will have to discover for yourself. A simple and fluid story with wonderful illustrations that you can enjoy as a family. 

5. A nightmare in my closet

On this occasion, the Kalandra publishing house has recovered a story published in 1982. Again an illustrated album that offers a sample of the most common childhood fears.

To show this, the protagonist of the story is a boy who is afraid of a monster that lives behind his closet. The problem comes when the monster has the same or more fear of the protagonist of this story.

In a tender and fun way, the story shows how these fears must be overcome and how to face them with courage.

How to channel children's fears

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