Why Are Children So Attracted To Animals?

One of the most intense relationships of friendship and adoration occurs between children and animals. Everyone remembers that pet that has accompanied us during our first years of life.
Why are children so attracted to animals?

Children who have pets find unconditional friends in them for all kinds of moments. Those who do not, raise this request to their parents each time it presents itself. Why is this charm of the little ones given by animals? We will try to solve this question below.

In recent years, ownership of pets has grown exponentially in the world. In countries such as Japan, the United States and several in Latin America, households that include dogs or cats among their members far exceed 50%.

Although the binomial “single woman / man – pet” is increasingly observed, there are also many of these families that have small children. And that is where a relationship of friendship and adoration is most intense.

The childhood pets remain in our memory for life. Everyone remembers that dog, cat or other animal that has accompanied us during our first years of life.

Moving away from the world of domestic animals, we will also observe that children love visits to zoos and natural parks, as well as days of fishing. What is the reason for this fascination?

Reasons for children’s charm towards animals

Each child is a world, of that there is no doubt. Therefore, each one will find their own reasons (some can cause us a lot of laughter) why to worship a certain species.

However, we can cite some more or less general reasons that cause this mutual love between children and animals:

  • More than a friend, he is a member of the family

Animals represent the ideal playmate. They are always ready, in good spirits and never tire. Therefore, it is normal for children to see them as just another brother. Even there are few cases in which the first word that the baby pronounces is the name of his pet.

  • Accomplices and protectors

Animals are often companions for mischief in childhood. Although they may not know it, they are there every time the baby is up to something, and this unconditionality is highly valued by the little ones. In addition, it is very rare that they react violently or get angry. On the contrary, they will if they see that the child is attacked.

The cat is one of the animals most loved by children.
  • They provoke grace

Generally, the first sounds that the baby memorizes and makes are those of animals. It can be a bark, a meow or any other characteristic sound of a species, but they will always try to imitate it.

  • TV heroes and characters

As always, television, film, and audiovisual content play an important role in shaping the infant’s preferences. Often, animals are humanized to tell children ‘s stories, so they occupy a central place in the minds of children.

  • Evaluation of different behaviors

For us it may be an everyday thing, but children, who are just discovering the world in which they live, see something surprising when they see a pig wallowing in the mud. The same is true of a grazing cow or a horse running free through the field. They are unthinkable activities for them that, far from causing fear, fascinate them.

Tips for choosing the right pet

Given this fascination for animals, what better gift than to let them have one at home? Having a pet will bring several benefits to the child, such as:

  1. Greater self-esteem, since they offer them affection.
  2. Better social skills, since they will learn to interpret feelings and needs.
  3. Formation of responsible habits, such as feeding, bathing and caring for them if they get sick.

The choice of the type of pet will depend on several factors, such as a possible allergy to fur, the space available at home and the budget to keep them.

Children love visiting zoos and farms to see animals.

In addition to dogs and cats, whose charms no one can discuss and which we do not need to elaborate on, we can also consider adopting a rabbit, fish or a hamster.

They are harmless animals, soft, easy to care for and very playful. Of these three, rabbits are the ones that require the most specific care, but they compensate with great tenderness.

Finally, we must always instill and remind our children that having a pet is a very great responsibility. Once we assume it, we must provide them with what is necessary for them to live with dignity, in addition to repaying the affection and unconditionality that they offer us.

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