How To Create A Good Homework Space

Having a space dedicated to doing homework is the basis for this activity to be something rewarding and even something fun.
How to create a good homework space

For many children, starting to do their homework is unappealing, and for parents it becomes a kind of challenge every day to get them to do them. Today we are going to see the importance of creating a good space for homework.

When they leave class, most children think about a myriad of things, and doing homework is often at the bottom of the list of things they want to do. Many even  end up developing bad habits when doing homework: they  do it with the TV on, in the middle of the room with too much noise and teenagers looking at their cell phones.

The best thing we can do for them, as parents, is to prepare their space from the first moment so that doing their homework is something they are used to and even enjoy.

Your opinion is the most important

We have already talked about this on many occasions, but we will insist: when creating something for our child we have to take their opinion into account. So, when creating a space for homework at home and to study we must always be attentive to what you think.

Father helping his son with homework in a good space at home.

We can start by asking where you would like your space to be. We will let you choose colors (always with our advice), tools and materials that you want to have in your area.

Choosing the right space for homework

First of all, you have to choose a good space. Before choosing it, we must look at how our child does homework. Many children need absolute silence to concentrate, but others need to be in a place where there is activity in order to finish work.

You can organize the space for the child by paying attention to this. If you need peace of mind to concentrate, we will choose a corner of your bedroom, in a study room, if we can have it, or in a family room that will not be crowded during your work.

If, on the other hand, you need movement around you, it is possible to choose a place in the living room where there are more people, but always checking that the activity around you is controlled and allows you to concentrate.


The best light for homework is natural light. Therefore, whenever possible, we will find a place at home where we can enjoy natural light for as long as possible. If this is impossible, either because of the season of the year or because of the location of the space, we will look for a good artificial lamp that can be adjusted in height and intensity.

Little girl studying in a good space for homework at home.

A fun space for homework

When we are clear about where in the house we will choose to do homework, we will make sure that this space has fun elements for the child. For that, we are going to take into account what you like; the child should choose most of the decoration to be more comfortable.

If we are going to put a desk attached to a wall,  we can put up colored posters with beautiful images that we will choose with our son. There are several studies that show that having positive images in a study environment helps to have a positive mind.

We can choose beautiful landscapes or even a character from a movie or comic that the child likes. We will try that the study corner is full of color; you have to flee from boring.

The organization

The study space should have everything the child will need to study. Giving you the tools you need is the foundation of good organization. We can add drawers, boxes and everything you need to organize your material.

Having a space dedicated to doing homework is the basis for making this activity something rewarding and even fun. With little effort and a little dedication at the beginning, we will make doing homework something our child gets used to. We will be helping you to create a good routine in your education.

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