How Does Loneliness Affect Adolescence?

A lonely teenager can suffer from many psychological, physical, and emotional disorders. Knowing how to identify it and act on it will mark the evolution of the adolescent in the future and their relationship with others.
How does loneliness affect adolescence?

Adolescence is a time of many changes, in which young people begin to forge the personality that will accompany them throughout their adulthood. Unfortunately, many must walk this path without the company they would like. How does loneliness affect adolescence?

Parents, friends, siblings, cousins ​​and boyfriends are a fundamental link in the chain of growth that we develop from the beginning of our adolescence. Having a confidant is very important at this stage. But there are many young people who do not have the happiness of being able to rely on a being close to them.

Psychologists define loneliness as the lack of satisfactory social relationships, either real or according to the perception of the person who suffers it. In adolescence, when the boy perceives psychological, physiological, emotional and social changes everywhere, their consequences can be enhanced.

There are many adolescents who fail to establish these bonds with their peers. They need help, especially when we speak of chronic loneliness and not of short periods of time tied to the circumstances of the moment.

To begin, let’s review what evils loneliness can generate in this phase of life.

Potential consequences of loneliness in adolescence

An adolescent who feels lonely is prone to one or more of the following conditions in the present or in future years:

  • Weight problems
  • High blood pressure.
  • Cognitive deficit.
  • Insomnia.
  • Depression and anguish.
  • Substance abuse such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
Many teenagers suffer from loneliness.

What can be the causes of loneliness in adolescence?

Among the most frequent, we can list: shyness, low self-esteem, physical separation from loved ones (due to divorces, fights or deaths), physical illness, complex with personal appearance, conflicts with someone known, rejection or criticism of someone considered influential and misunderstanding .

How to avoid loneliness in adolescence?

Be helped

On many occasions, the collaboration of a third party is essential to combat this deficiency in adolescence. It often happens that those who suffer from it do not notice it, do not know how to rebuild their social life or simply do not want to or do not feel capable of achieving it.

The role of the family

Faced with loneliness in adolescence, a healthy family environment, with a lot of dialogue and containment, may be the solution. We must understand that the adolescent goes through a complex stage and does not deserve that we also carry our fears. Rather, we must be  the guide, the advisor, the much-needed support.

You can think about planning family activities that suit everyone’s tastes. The idea is to relax, share, and build trust between the child and his parents.

Other activities

Also, encourage him to get involved in extracurricular activities. Theater, dance or sports classes, among many other options, usually provide the necessary relaxed atmosphere for public relations to emerge.

The habits

The adoption of healthy habits is not a minor issue. From a young age, it is important that your child knows and values ​​its importance. The positive effects are many: in the first place, you will avoid health problems, but also your image and mood will improve, and this will raise your self-esteem.

On the other hand, you must control that this intention to improve their diet does not lead to more complex disorders. Remember that balance must be sought.

Loneliness in adolescence is very common.


Likewise, it is also important that you reinforce their positive thoughts. How? First of all, being the example of what you want to reflect. Show him the importance of being kind, of being well-predisposed, and of pursuing goals with optimism. People who spread positivity often receive the same from others.

Boost his self-confidence, congratulate him and make it clear to him what he can do if he sets his mind to it. A person who believes that he deserves love and respect will be able to demand it and give it to others.

These small details add up to a lot when it comes to coping with the tough stage of adolescence and its enormous changes. It is a progressive and constant construction. It is not achieved overnight, so you must be patient and accompany him.

Loneliness in adolescence can be good too

Being alone does not always represent something negative. There are people who choose to be alone. Peace of mind, relaxation, productivity or flourishing of creativity are the most cited reasons when it comes to justifying that choice to spend a weekend, a week or more time alone.

The company of oneself, being able to have and enjoy our own time and the connection with our interior, from the area in which it is sought (reading, meditation or a walk) have extremely positive effects. Do not be afraid of the good loneliness, the one that is chosen.

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