Prepare Your Child For Your Imminent Divorce

If you and your partner are going to separate, first, you must take all steps so that your child is affected as little as possible by this decision
Prepare your child for your impending divorce

Divorce is that difficult time that we would never want to go through, because even if marriages are not “vaccinated” against breakups, we all marry in the hope of being together forever or, in this case, until death do us part.

And how good would it be if family coexistence, problem solving and love made people manage to live together in harmony and every time they get married they don’t separate … right?

But how bad when this starts to fail. When contradictions, disappointments, suspicions, heartbreak, financial shortages or infidelities take over the family environment to the point of breaking that solid bond that once had.

In order for you to prepare your child for your imminent divorce, at you are a mom we decided to dedicate a brief space to the subject.

The role of mothers

Both mom and dad must support and prepare their son for an imminent separation.

But it is mom with her colossal love, patience and dedication who not infrequently becomes the best help for her little one. Who assists you in understanding and accepting the situation that is coming.

That is why it is mother who must be prepared to face the same rebellion as the dejection of the minor and have enough weapons to recover from the sensitive situation that the whole family lives.
Know what to say and how to act on your child’s questions and moods.


Prepare your child for your impending divorce

Woman, do not have as a premise to cause harm, to hurt, to offend … if you are in a moment of marital breakdown, remember how happy you and your partner were and how much you loved each other once.

Remember that even if you are no longer a family, you have a bond that will keep you together for life. He is still the father of your child.

Mom, if you and your husband are about to separate, we recommend you, take our advice into account.

They will help you to help your child during your divorce and they will even help you to recover emotionally.

  • Both you and your partner should talk to the child before either member leaves home. The separation should not take you by surprise.
  • The disagreements and conflicts of the couple should be discussed, if not in the marriage bed, where the child cannot hear them.
  • When they talk with your child, listen to their opinions and feelings so that they know, as good parents, how to act.
  • Your son should not participate in your disagreements, much less make him act as a judge by choosing which of the two spouses is right.
  •  At all times let the child know that mom and dad will always be there when he needs it.
  • The child is not a tool to attack your current husband. Never speak ill of his father in front of him.
  • Your little one should know that his parents will continue to love and protect him as when they were a couple.
  • Don’t limit the time your child needs to spend with his father. Remember that your happiness also depends on the warmth and affection of that person with whom you no longer live.
  • Respect his father at all times and convey this feeling to your son. Let him know that he and his father should respect you too.
  • Listen to your little one. Become his confidant and watch out for any changes in his behavior. Now more than ever she needs your assistance, your love and understanding.

Our final tips

Divorce, for no reason, should harm the emotional stability of a child. Their parents must ensure that the breakdown of the family unit affects the minor’s well-being as little as possible.

It is said that getting divorced is as normal as getting married.

Divorce is an inherent quality of the human being, animals, unless conditioned by us, do not marry.

Act then as a rational human being and in the best possible way prepare your child for your imminent divorce.

Although separated, or close to separation, the well-being of the child should be a priority.

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