What Should I Do To Get My Teenage Son To Read

The learning and the correct formation of an individual necessarily go through the action of reading continuously. If you have a teenage son and you want to encourage him to read more, follow the tips below. 
What should I do to get my teenager to read?

What should I do to get my teenager to read: this may represent one of the most common struggles in parents. If we want our child to further develop his comprehension skills, memory, improve his vocabulary or his level of grammar and writing, reading is necessarily the way to go.

We know that this is not an easy task; Keeping teens motivated in an activity is not an easy thing to do. Therefore, below we will present some of the most effective tips to encourage teenagers to read.

What should I do to get my teenager to read?

Continuous reading can represent one of the main sources of learning. Although at school they are assigned tasks in which young people must study from texts to pass the subjects, the reality is that very few adolescents read anything other than what is strictly linked to the classes.

It is clear that video games, television and social networks – such as Instagram or Facebook – monopolize the attention of young people to such an extent that there is little space for their school obligations. That is why, as many parents, it is sometimes difficult for us to get teenagers to also become fond of reading.

However, we should not assume that we will not be able to stimulate them, as there are tips that have been very helpful in achieving this goal. Pay attention to these tips:

1. Educate by example

If you do not lead by example, it is difficult for your adolescent to be interested in reading. It does not make sense that parents spend hours watching television and that, in addition, there are no novels, short stories, history books or even magazines in the house.

What should I do to get my teenager to read?

We know that books are expensive, but second-hand literary works are available everywhere at affordable prices. The advantage is that you can buy both the classics of literature and the bestsellers.

The latter, as their name indicates, have been read for generations, since their literary proposal and theme are to everyone’s taste. With the classics there is no margin of error, surely your child when reading them can easily get hooked.

2. Make comments about the book you are reading

To motivate your child, you already know that it is not enough for him to see you with a book; It is very useful to comment at the table or when you talk to him about how interesting, funny or mysterious the book you are reading is. The idea is that you pique their curiosity to the maximum.

If it’s a big-screen bestseller, you can go to the movies or watch the movie at home with your child. If the movie is to your liking, you may be interested in reading the original text.

3. Take your child to the bookstore and leave him alone in the teenage section

It is important that the young person choose something that interests him so that his desire to read increases and is maintained over time. For this, you can take it to the bookstore to the teenage section while you walk through other areas; Thus, you will feel the freedom to choose the topics that appeal to you.

It is also very helpful to review the area of ​​comics or comics; as most have been taken to the movies, the adolescent will feel familiar with the character and the story.

Reading makes us more competent.

You can also check at the bookstore or online which are the most widely read and recommended books for teenagers in the last two years and try giving one to your child. In doing so, tell him that the book is on everyone’s lips as one of the most read.

In this way, when he does his research on the text himself, he will be encouraged to see how many teenagers have already read and given their favorable review of the book. This is a great way to use technology and the influence of your environment to your advantage.

Lastly, remember not to despair if your child doesn’t respond right away or starts a book and leaves it in the middle. Remember that it takes time to maintain a habit like reading, but at your own pace and with patience, you can achieve it.

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