Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Did you know that non-celiac gluten sensitivity affects 7 people for every person with celiac disease? Learn everything you need to know about this pathology.
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a reaction of the immune system to the ingestion of gluten. It differs from celiac disease in that there is little or no damage to the intestinal villi. However, both have digestive and extra-digestive symptoms, and affect mostly women.

Furthermore, it is a pathology that is diagnosed by exclusion, since the blood markers are negative and the genes involved are unknown. So far, all gluten-containing cereals have been withdrawn for a period of 4-6 weeks.

After this time, it is reintroduced to assess whether there has been a worsening of symptoms. This protocol is carried out after having carried out an exhaustive study to rule out celiac disease and wheat allergy.

And if gluten wasn’t the only cause …

From what different investigations point out, it is most likely that inhibitors of the enzymes amylase-trypsin and fructans are also involved. These are found in wheat and some vegetables.

Therefore, they make digestion difficult by weakening the intestinal barrier and being fermented by the microbiota, giving rise to varied symptoms, as we will see below.

Girl with non-celiac gluten sensitivity with a bread in her hands.

How does it manifest?

Generally, it affects the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, gas, abdominal pain and bloating, reflux, diarrhea or constipation. It also highlights:

  • Weight loss.
  • The poor absorption of nutrients leading to the appearance of anemia and steatorrhea (presence of fats in the stool).
  • Tiredness..
  • Headache.
  • Eczema on the skin and itching.
  • Joint pain
  • Menstrual and mood disturbances.
  • Growth deficit.

Although it only manifests itself when ingesting gluten, inflammation is generalized, since all kinds of substances are secreted that stimulate the release of histamine from the tissues.

Dietary treatment of non-celiac gluten sensitivity

In both celiac disease and sensitivity, the only effective treatment is a gluten-free diet for life. That is, avoid all grains such as wheat, rye, barley, kamut, bulgur, and triticale.

Even oats, although they do not contain gluten, but they do contain avenins, with a similar structure, to which only 3% react negatively. In addition, when the fields are located near those of wheat or that the same factory uses gluten, there may be contamination.

Woman with a bread in her hand and a tummy ache due to non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Keep in mind that gluten is a protein widely used as an additive whose function is to agglomerate and confer elasticity and fluffiness. So sauces, chocolate, cold cuts, sausages, hamburgers or jam can contain it. And, although some consider that they can tolerate a certain amount, it is still too early to say so due to the lack of studies on the matter.

It is also advisable to avoid the consumption of:

  • Garlic, onion and leek. Keep in mind that you can use them to flavor and remove it later.
  • Asparagus and artichokes.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Cabbage, cauliflower and all the crucifers (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc).
  • Chicory.
  • Peas and avocado.

In conclusion, non-celiac sensitivity has increased in recent years, so it is necessary to go to the gastroenterologist in case of long-term discomfort (at least 2-3 months) to rule out celiac disease and allergy. Thus, you can begin to remove the offending foods and feel much better.

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