The 5 Best Snacks For Children

The 5 best snacks for children

When it comes to snack time, you are surely wondering what you can offer your children that is healthy and they love it, right? Keep reading. We offer you the 5 best snacks for children.

Can you have a healthy snack and still be tasty? Does it seem like your kids only like what is unhealthy? Don’t worry, sometimes it seems impossible not to fall into the comfort of industrial products that offer us a quick solution.

But we are not talking about anything. The snack is important for the growth of your children, since it is the right energy contribution to face an afternoon full of activities and study.

In addition, having a snack at recess is necessary, since school mornings require a very important physical and mental effort. So giving up these meals would be a mistake.

What is the importance of snacks for children?

  • Growth stage . Your children are growing and developing, therefore, they need energy inputs to help them on this path.
  • Undeveloped organism . Their body is not prepared to go too many hours without eating, so it is advisable that they receive some food more regularly than an adult.
  • Control of overweight . By eating more often, you will prevent them from coming to lunch or dinner hungrier and overeating.
  • Energy . The physical and mental activity of a child is very great. They spend the day exercising body and mind. They need food that recharges their batteries to be able to keep up with the rhythm of day to day.
Yogurt is one of the best snacks for children.

Rules about snacks for children

  1. Watch the snack time . At school, it will be the recess time that marks when the snack should be taken. But in the afternoon, you should make sure that the snack is made some  time after the food has been digested and not very close to dinner time.
  2. Pay attention to the quantity. Do not forget that this is a small food intake, enough to provide energy until the next “big” meal.  An excessive snack can lead to disorders in the rest of the meals if the child arrives without hunger.
  3. Avoid intake of refined sugars, colorings and preservatives . Although the market offers quick fixes for the snack, pay attention to the ingredients, since it is not good to abuse certain substances.
  4. Include cereals, fruits and dairy in the snack . You do not have to combine the three groups every day, but it is important that you do not forget to put at least one each day.
  5. Water, lots of water .

The 5 best snacks for children

We have thought that some examples of snacks for children can help you to get started. Of course, we recommend that you do not stop there: innovate, create, use your imagination and, why not? Let your children propose ideas and try to incorporate them.

  • Sandwich . Eternal snack. The important thing about the sandwich is not only its size, which should be proportional to your child’s activity level, but also the filling. The sausage is a good option, since it provides protein, but we should not abuse it. You can also alternate it with the traditional chocolate sandwiches, it will be a contribution of energy that they will love.
Fruit is an indispensable food in a child's diet.
  • Frozen fruit lolly . Make a fruit puree and freeze it in the typical containers for making popsicles. It is a very healthy and perfect snack for the summer.
  • Yogurt . Yogurt can be mixed with fruits, cereals or nuts (as long as they are not salty). It is the perfect dairy intake. Make sure it is natural or at least watch the amount of sugar it has incorporated.
  • Smoothies . You can choose seasonal fruits to make a smoothie that they love. By adding milk you add dairy, and if you add nuts, all three groups are covered.
  • Glass of milk with homemade sponge cake . It is always recommended that you make the cakes yourself; this way you make sure to control the ingredients and the amounts that it contains. This snack can be perfect for your children and, of course, also for you.

    Of course, don’t worry if one day you don’t have time to prepare a healthy snack and you have to resort to ready-made products. The importance of a balanced diet lies in consistency, but that does not mean that from time to time we can not indulge in a little whim.

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