5 Educational Quotes From Tolkien

Despite the fact that Middle-earth is part of a literary saga of the fantasy genre, it has immeasurable human value. For this reason, it is of great benefit when educating and, above all, the little ones.
5 educational quotes from Tolkien

Literature has the great power to make us reflect in a thousand and one different ways. In the case of the fantasy genre, the reflection comes in an organic and subtle way, through elements that generate pleasure in the reader (memorable characters, landscapes, magic, fantastic beings, or the general plot of the story). Therefore, we are pleased to present you 5 Educational Quotes by Tolkien.

Whether we are lovers of reading or if we are fans of film adaptations of the world of The Lord of the Rings , we will agree that, in both formats  , a great wealth can be found beyond the aesthetics of the elves, the orcs and the hobbits of Middle-earth. And it is obvious, in the first instance, the struggle between good and evil.

There is obviously a general message underlying the story. However, great treasures are also found at various points in the work, which invite everyone to deepen their reflection. By adding them together, we find a work so complete that it does not stop favoring the integral development of each one.

Through Tolkien’s educational phrases, you can delve into human relationships, the internal struggle of each person (between good and evil), values ​​and their implementation in different areas of life ; being the most prominent: courage, friendship, honesty, loyalty, nobility and proactivity.

In the same way, there are dialogues between the characters that leave us a great lesson about patience, decision-making, happiness and self-improvement.

5 educational quotes from Tolkien.

Remember that JRR Tolkien was a teacher for much of his life. He had a true vocation for the profession and for this reason he was actively interested in instructing his students in the art of thinking.  His goal was to expand their borders and help them become curious and critical enough to continue feeding and growing in knowledge.

5 educational quotes from Tolkien

The first of Tolkien’s educational phrases worth noting is taken from the work entitled:  The Silmarillion.  It is about hope in turbulent times and why we must always trust that we are not forsaken by God.

“The changes of the world” refers to the fact that nothing remains unchanged or static, so that in life, circumstances always vary. Which reminds us, in a way, of the famous: “There is no evil that lasts a thousand years.” Of course, this is a way of saying that life has many twists and turns, often unexpected, and that we must learn to be flexible in order to stay on the right foot.

Now, regarding “help” that will come to the needy in difficult times, Professor Tolkien obviously extends a message of hope to all people, since there is always a solution to difficulties. On the other hand, it tells us that help does not always come from the same place, but rather has multiple faces with which to express itself.

The second of Tolkien’s educational phrases comes from  The Children of Húrin, and it has a very strong message regarding the fact that not everyone who receives an education is interested in really learning. Let’s see the quote:

Many times, both outside and within the school environment, we interact with people who have no interest in listening to others and learning, so they tend to have many more difficulties in life. To learn, the most important thing is to be willing and know how to receive knowledge.

5 educational quotes from Tolkien.

The third of Tolkien’s educational phrases is found in the novel The Hobbit and invites us to always value people, gestures and non-material aspects of life over objects. After all, the company, affection and time dedicated to sharing the best of life is what really makes us happy and fills us with vitality.

Of course, this phrase also invites us to reflect on the fact that, if humanity were valued more than money in society, the world would be a much better place and people would undoubtedly enjoy true well-being.

The fourth of Tolkien’s educational phrases comes from the famous Lord of the Rings trilogy . In it, he invites us to stop for a moment and evaluate if we really take advantage of our time to feel good, grow and advance as people.

Of course, the phrase itself leads us to reflect on our lives, if we are really satisfied with it, and why the best we can do is take advantage of it and enjoy it.

Remember that reflection and constructive criticism are powerful tools that allow us to better understand reality and teach us to have a proactive attitude in life. Tolkien knew this very well and decided to convey it in various ways in his work so that everyone could walk the wonderful path of self-realization.

5 teachings of The Lord of the Rings for children and adolescents

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