My Name Is Mom And, If You Mess With My Children, My Last Name Is Leona

From the moment a child is born, the priority for a mother is her well-being and happiness. That is why his pain is the worst torment for the one who brought him into the world.
My name is mom and, if they mess with my children, my last name is leona

My name is mom and, if you mess with my kids, my last name is leona. With this phrase I say it so clearly that it seems crystalline. I live for my children, I fight for them every day and face whatever it takes.

I do not care what rain or snow, no matter what adversities I have to face. I cannot conceive of the possibility that no one, absolutely no one, will harm my children.

I know that they must band life. I know that they will have to face thousands of difficulties and that I cannot (and must not) prevent them from falling down, as it is the only way for them to get back up.

I express my zero tolerance for my children to suffer without reason through the labels that society places shamelessly, of injustices, of the bad education of others. I can’t bear to have their insides stirred or their innocence broken. Therefore, I declare myself a lioness.

You never know how strong you are until you have children

Children come with superpowers under their arms that they bestow on their mothers. Some superpowers that make mothers women full of skills, strength, and wisdom. “For my children, whatever” begins to be our motto since we feel like mothers.

Really, once you are a mother, you realize that thanks to the love of your creatures there is nothing that can prevent you from protecting them and loving them with all your soul. You look back and you really feel like you’ve lived your whole life without knowing the true immensity of love.

Our body and mind are tuned to create new connections that promote that infinite love and the appearance of the lioness that we all carry within. Because mother’s love is that, knowing what emotion, courage and the ability to wall the innocence of our children is.


The suffering of a mother in the face of the pain of her children

Only a mother knows what it is like to fall asleep late, wake up early and get up dozens of times during the night to monitor the sleep of a sick child. Because children are the reason for our strength but also our greatest weakness.

The pain of a mother at the suffering of her children is heartbreaking. Among other things because it has a few traces of a feeling of failure in protection, of the need for infallibility, of demand, of responsibility.

From his first fall we felt that we should have avoided him. And that emotion accompanies us to each new wound that our little one receives from life. Faced with the teasing of colleagues, the betrayal of a good friend or the great pain of the first heartbreak.

Each of his stumbles hurts us just like the previous one, more than if they were our own. And it is that we never get used to seeing them suffer, to seeing them struggle and wondering why they are unhappy. We would give our own soul to ease her heartbroken cry, her broken heart.

Mother and son looking at each other

You will always be their refuge

If it were up to us, we would prefer to transmit by telepathy all the learning necessary to grow up strong. It happens that, as we know, without scars it is very difficult to survive. And our children will have to go their own way, experience their own setbacks, and learn to move on. 

Because those scratches are their war wounds, wounds that will shape them as great soldiers of battle. Thus, prepared for life, they will continue walking with their fears, just as we did.

True to the stubbornness inherent in their human condition, they will stumble over the same stone as many times as they need to learn their lesson. In that same walk we will be, mother for mother, to help them heal, to mend their broken parts and to repair their damages.

Our mission will be to grant them unconditional love that will accompany them on their journey. The personal tools that they can put into practice when they have to face adversity alone, without our presence.

Our love will always be your safety net to jump into the void, because growing up knowing yourself loved will give you the confidence you need to live without fear. And when it falls (because it will fall, sooner or later, and not just once), our arms will be its refuge and our body will always be its home. It doesn’t matter how old you are.

My children come first ... Today the rest of the world can wait

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