9 Techniques For Learning To Teach

9 Techniques for learning to teach

Learning to teach is one of the most difficult skills to obtain when there is no will to do so. At home, most children think the least of it is to spend the afternoon sitting in front of a book. That is, reviewing what they learned in class is not among their occurrences.

For many children, and also for their parents, studying at school is enough. However, there are other children who are willing to study and memorize what they have learned. In general, this will depend on the interest of the parents in teaching them to study.

It is important for parents to develop good will and a lot of patience to be able to teach the little one. We know that children sometimes spend a lot of time making the effort to understand or memorize the lesson. Involving children with study techniques so that their learning is optimal is a good solution for everyone.

Importance of learning to teach

Not all parents have the ability to teach study skills. However, when we have children of school age it is very important to learn to teach, because we will be the main teachers. Therefore, any method is valuable when we want to gain knowledge about teaching.

Let us remember that without an adequate study method, children can end up unmotivated and mentally tired. For the most part, they will postpone every moment to study, however, poor results have nothing to do with the child’s intellectual capacity. In general, it is about the poor use of some techniques that can help you study in a simple way.

Learn to teach with these 9 techniques

It is not about children studying more, but about studying better. To solve this problem that many parents grapple with, we will show you some methods for children to learn to study in a better way.

  1. Create study habits. Motivate the child to understand that studying is very useful. It is convenient to talk a little every day about the importance of training. It is also important to assess the effort they make despite the results.
  2. Find a quiet place for concentration. The place must be quiet, with good lighting, avoiding any type of distraction by turning off the television, radio, telephone or video games. It is important that the student has a table with enough space to be able to have all the necessary tools that he can use. A comfortable chair at the right height, neither too high nor too low, according to the height of the table.
  3. Teaching to plan. It is essential that they learn to distribute their time where they can have a scheduled space to study. Organizing a homework schedule is very handy. This will allow them to be guided in a systematic way according to their available time.
  4. Comprehensive reading. For reading to be effective, you must understand what you read. Understanding reading requires having knowledge of the meaning of words. In this sense, it is important to allow them to have a dictionary at hand and to help them contextualize.
  1. Learn to underline. The underline technique is very helpful when reading main ideas. There are many students who take this exercise the wrong way and end up underlining most of the text. For this reason, it is important that they learn to read, thus underlining the fundamental words to make concepts or summaries.

  2. Take notes. Taking notes will allow the student to remember what is most relevant. By remembering a phrase or word, you can help with the entire class explanation, thus facilitating your study period.
  3. Associate ideas. Employing mnemonic techniques that can be related to what is being studied is very useful. They can be pictures or words that are easy to remember.
  4. Make summaries. This helps the student organize their ideas and translate them into a text. The summary is always linked to the underline, highlighting the ideas to organize them. It is important to synthesize in order to express what was learned.
  5. As you read, underline, and summarize, it becomes easier to memorize what you want to learn. In addition, with the application of these techniques it is possible that we ourselves learn some terms and explanations, which can be useful to help them later.

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