Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: An Avoidable Tragedy

Fetal alcohol syndrome: an avoidable tragedy

Unfortunately, fetal alcohol syndrome is a reality and the worst thing is that it is a tragedy that could have been avoided in 100% of the cases. All mothers in the world should be aware of the importance of not consuming any alcohol (nothing, nothing!) During pregnancy and to moderate its use during breastfeeding.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is too general an evil that persists in our society. While there is no cure for this syndrome, it is entirely avoidable. All that is required to avoid this syndrome is to educate and educate mothers who are struggling with alcohol abuse and to know the danger to their babies from alcohol.

The effects of fetal alcohol syndrome last a lifetime

Children born with underweight syndrome and growth retardation are effects of fetal alcohol syndrome, they will also have a lower IQ and will also have to fight against basic skills throughout their lives – you will have problems managing the money, it will be difficult for them to remember things and even understand the consequences of their actions.

Children born with this syndrome can have educational delays and are often involved in social problems in adolescence due to not being aware of their actions. As adults, many people with this syndrome are unable to find or keep a job, have mental health problems, and may be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol.


Fetal alcohol syndrome can be completely prevented

This syndrome can be completely prevented, the mother will only have to abstain from alcohol completely from the moment she knows that she has become pregnant. Because the developing brain of the fetus is very sensitive to alcohol, even small amounts can cause permanent brain damage. There is no “safe” amount of alcohol during pregnancy, what is certain is that it should be avoided completely.

Although it is a simple and fairly obvious solution, some mothers may find it difficult to maintain abstinence. Alcoholism, poverty, or peer pressure can lead a mother to drink even after she knows she is pregnant. Friends, family and other members of the community should actively support pregnant mothers to avoid alcohol, both during social gatherings and at any other time.

Excessive amounts of alcohol while breastfeeding are also harmful

Once the baby is born, a mother may feel more liberated from being able to drink, even if she is breastfeeding her little one, but this can only be done with strict control.

While a baby can no longer develop fetal alcohol syndrome, drinking alcohol through breast milk and large amounts can cause irreversible damage. Mothers should limit to one drink or less a day, and if it is nothing, all the better. 


Since alcohol passes freely into a mother’s breast milk and peaks 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion, breastfeeding should be delayed until at least two hours after the alcohol has been consumed. The age of the baby should always be taken into account when considering the effect of alcohol, but the ideal is not to consume it.

A newborn has a very immature liver, so even small amounts of alcohol would be a severe problem for his health. Mothers should completely abstain from alcohol while breastfeeding and if they want to drink it should be no more than a sip or two.

If for whatever reason you drink alcohol because you have lost your mind, then you will have to wait a minimum of two hours before breastfeeding your baby again and thus limit any potential harm. They say that if you are sober enough to drive, you are sober enough to breastfeed.

What do you think about this topic? Do you think that a pregnant or breastfed mother should or can drink alcohol? The health of the developing baby is the absolute responsibility of the adult, so it is very important to be aware of everything mentioned in this article.

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