Vegan Diet During Pregnancy

A vegan diet can be considered during pregnancy. Read on to discover how to do it and the benefits of this type of diet.
Vegan diet in pregnancy

We must know that a good option that could bring infinite benefits during pregnancy is a vegan diet. Learn more about this type of diet here.

The vegan diet is characterized by being a diet based on many fruits, cereals and vegetables. In this diet the consumption of products of animal origin is avoided, such as: milk, meat and eggs. All this in order to preserve health and preserve or protect the environment.

Beyond being a way of eating, it is chosen as a lifestyle. Some strict vegans reject the idea of ​​wearing or wearing leather or silk garments.

Vegan eating is healthy

It has been proven that during pregnancy a diet of this type can be very healthy. However, it must be taken into account that this diet will not always provide the amount of iron, calcium and proteins required by the body and that are present in animal-derived products. For this reason supplementation is necessary.

For example, the exogenous contribution of vitamin B12 is essential, since plant foods do not contain this nutrient. There is sufficient scientific evidence to affirm that a deficiency of this nutrient can generate a process of anemia.

Without a doubt, the vegan style can provide baby and mother with low-calorie nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This can greatly reduce the risk of various heart diseases, diabetes, being overweight, etc.

Being vegan is a decision

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Going vegan is a decision that should be taken seriously, it should not be taken lightly or as something temporary. If you are finally convinced and believe that it is a good nutritional option for you, you must determine the stage of pregnancy in which you will carry it out.

Every future mother will be willing to give the best to her little one and more at the time of pregnancy where they are definitely completely dependent on us.

Substitutes for products that come from animals

If you still had certain doubts about the vegan diet and the health of both (baby / mother), we recommend that you make the decision being aware of consuming the ideal amounts of necessary nutrients. There are products that replace the consumption of animal origin and some of them are:

  • Dairy products.  Dairy products, such as: milk, cheese or yogurt are very well known for being a very good source of calcium, however, they can be substituted for green leafy vegetables such as: spinach or chard, dried fruits, nuts , seeds and tofu. Anyway, remember to guarantee vitamin D intake to maximize calcium absorption.
  • Sources of iodine. Iodized salt and fish are sources of iodine that the body needs. Other options that can compensate for the elimination of the consumption of these foods can come from yeast extract, soy milk, cereals and some rice or oat milks.
  • Omega 3. This component that is present in fish can be compensated with the consumption of seaweed or in supplements that can be purchased in pharmacies. Ensuring the supply of these fatty acids helps modulate inflammation, according to research published in the journal Seminars in Immunopathology.

Avoiding the consumption of coffee or tea when eating is elementary, since these drinks have polyphenols that make the body not correctly absorb the iron from vegetables. On the other hand, drinking orange juice or consuming vitamin C will greatly facilitate the absorption of iron.

Positive aspects of diet during pregnancy

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There are several positive aspects about the vegan diet during pregnancy, some are:

  • Provides normal maintenance of body functions and gestational development.
  • Helps develop breast milk with excellent components for your baby.
  • Facilitates the strengthening of the immune system.
  • Control your weight by warding off different types of diseases.
  • It allows you to eat natural products, without chemicals, preservatives or addictives.
  • Avoid stomachaches or constipation.
  • Provides relief, anxiety and stress management.

Menu suggestions during pregnancy

Some delicious vegan ideas for you during pregnancy are mentioned below:

  • Hot cereals and dried fruits covered in nuts.
  • Scrambled tofu with onion and peppers on whole wheat toast.
  • Mixed fruit juices.
  • Vegetable burger, whole wheat bread, lettuce, tomatoes and salad.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Vegan lasagna.
  • Spaghetti Bolognese with tofu.

It is possible to eat a healthy vegan diet

A vegan woman can carry a very healthy pregnancy without a doubt. If a balance is maintained and food compensations are made properly, a strong and healthy baby will definitely be born.

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