6 Foods That Should Not Be Missing In A Pregnant Woman’s Diet

Choosing foods well during pregnancy can determine the health of the baby and the mother. That is why we present you those that cannot be absent from the diet.
6 foods that should not be missing in a pregnant woman's diet

What you choose to eat when you are pregnant will affect your health and that of your baby now and in the future. Pregnancy is a great time to improve your diet , so you can add some of these prenatal foods to your meals. Because a pregnant woman’s diet is important for her and for the baby.

Do you know what are the best foods for you? Is it important to eat fish or will it be dangerous because it contains mercury? Do you need to eat meat? And the eggs, will they have too much cholesterol?

Foods in a pregnant woman’s diet

Include the following foods in your diet routines to avoid deficits.


Oatmeal is a whole grain with a high fiber content. It is known for being an exceptional source of energy and for being rich in vitamin B1, magnesium, protein and phosphorus.

Try it as a breakfast cereal with milk Or use ground in cookies, whole grain cupcakes and muffins. Oatmeal is the main ingredient in granola, which goes well with plain yogurt.


Eating whole grains during pregnancy is important because they contain a lot of fiber and nutrients, including vitamin E that protect the cells of the body.

In addition to oatmeal, you can include brown rice, breads and tortillas made with whole grains, quinoa, and even popcorn. The latter are best without butter or oil and try not to add salt to them.


They are well known to be rich in iron. Also a great non-dairy source of calcium and vitamin D, two essentials for baby’s developing bones. Fresh spinach is delicious in salads and frozen spinach can be put in your cooked dishes, like noodles.

They are a great source of folic acid, a vitamin that is essential for pregnancy and that helps protect the baby against birth defects, according to a study published in Annales D’endocrinologie . Folic acid also contributes to the formation of new tissues in both the mother and the baby, thus improving the healing and repair of the skin. A food that should not be missing in the diet of a pregnant woman.


In addition to containing more than 12 vitamins and minerals, eggs are high in protein, which is essential for your pregnancy. The cells in your baby’s body, which are now growing and multiplying, are made of protein.

eggs.  Essentials for a pregnant woman's diet

In addition, the body itself needs proteins for the growth and repair of the organs that also develop in your body, such as placenta , the uterus and the breasts.

Don’t they contain too much cholesterol? In fact, consuming saturated fat is much more harmful than the cholesterol naturally present in eggs.

Lean meats

Eating lean meat provides you with iron, B vitamins, and protein. Iron is frequently absent from the diet of pregnant women and its deficiency increases the risk of premature birth. Remember that Iron consumption is very important as it can determine the future of your baby.

When buying beef, choose the lean cuts. Avoid, however, mortadelas and sausages unless you are going to consume them cooked without oil. In addition to being less healthy, there is a small risk that by consuming them you can transmit some harmful bacteria or parasites to the baby .


This may not be to every woman’s taste, but consuming fresh liver ensures that you get enough vitamins. When eaten during pregnancy, its vitamins can enhance fetal brain development and result in a smarter baby.

Try including livers in a simple stir-fry. Do not eat liver products such as hot dogs or pate, as they contain a lot of preservatives.


These colorful vegetables They are rich in vitamins A and C, so they boost your immunity, according to research published in Nutrients . Enjoy them as a crunchy snack or cut into stir-fry dishes. Roast them or eat them on the grill with a little olive oil and garlic, it is suitable to add it to the diet of a pregnant .

Watch your diet during pregnancy

Taking care of your diet is essential during pregnancy. For this reason, we recommend that you include the foods mentioned in your daily routines. In this way you will ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.

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