Gums That Bleed During Pregnancy

Inflammation of the gum tissue is responsible for bleeding gums during pregnancy. This common problem in future mothers has a solution.
Gums that bleed during pregnancy

Gums that bleed during pregnancy are a very common condition in future mothers, since the hormonal changes typical of pregnancy make this tissue more at risk of becoming inflamed.

Gingivitis during pregnancy is a problem that must be solved, since it not only affects the quality of life of the woman due to the discomfort it generates, but it can also become complicated and affect the health of the mother and the fetus.

Finding gums that bleed during pregnancy should be a red flag. In the following lines we will tell you why it occurs, its complications and the importance of consulting the dentist for its treatment.

Why do the gums bleed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, changes occur that are manifested in different parts of the body. The increase in progesterone increases blood flow throughout the body, including the gums.

Woman with gums that bleed during pregnancy.

A more vascularized gum tissue is more susceptible to inflammation. Hormonal changes also affect the cells of the periodontium (what surrounds and supports the teeth), the microorganisms of bacterial plaque and the person’s immune system.

The presence of bacterial plaque is a determining factor and an aggravating factor in the situation, as it irritates the gingival tissue that responds in an exaggerated way. The high levels of progesterone and the consequent increased irrigation of the area, plus accumulated bacteria, cause the gums to become red, swollen, tender and bleed easily.

Symptoms of swollen gums

Gums that bleed during pregnancy are not the only manifestation of the problem, as they are one more symptom of the entire inflammatory process that is taking place in the gingival tissue.

Gingivitis of pregnancy is the name given to this inflammatory process so common during pregnancy. As we already mentioned, the gums are bright red, swollen, sensitive … In addition, they hurt and bleed easily.

Likewise, other symptoms may appear such as pain in a tooth, bad breath, mobility of the teeth, gingival retraction or the appearance of a lump on the mucous membranes. It is important to pay attention to these manifestations that may indicate that the disease is progressing.

These are some of the complications of gestational gingivitis:

  • Pyogenic granuloma : it is a tumor that appears on the gum, of an intense red color and with easy bleeding, especially during brushing. They are benign, painless, but annoying, as they can interfere with chewing, speech and mouth hygiene. They usually go away on their own when the pregnancy ends, but if they cause discomfort or bleed too much, they can be surgically removed.
  • Periodontitis : is the infection of the supporting tissues of the tooth. Here not only the gingiva is affected, but also the bone and the periodontal ligament. The resorption of bone tissue occurs, which generates mobility of the teeth. If left untreated, it leads to their loss. This condition is associated with pregnancy complications, such as contractions, premature deliveries, low-birth-weight children, and even abortions.

How to avoid bleeding gums during pregnancy?

Dental hygiene and mouth care is the way to prevent gums from bleeding during pregnancy. Here are some tips to keep in mind to preserve gum tissue:

  • Tooth brushing: it is necessary to carry out a thorough tooth brushing, with gentle but firm movements, on the gums and all the surfaces of the teeth, at least 3 times a day. A soft bristle brush should be used so as not to injure the mucosa that changes every 3 months.
  • Toothpaste with fluoride and mouthwashes : the daily use of toothpastes with fluoride helps to strengthen teeth, prevent cavities and promote cleaning of the mouth. Some special gels and mouthwashes may be required for plaque control. It will be the dentist who indicates them, as appropriate.
  • Dental floss : complementing oral hygiene using dental floss at least once a day is essential. The thread helps to eliminate the bacterial plaque that accumulates between the teeth, an area where the brush cannot access.
    Pregnant woman flossing.
  • Healthy diet : a varied, balanced and nutritious diet is necessary for the correct development of the baby that is being formed. Avoiding foods rich in sugars, ultra-processed and with high adherence to dental surfaces reduces the formation of bacterial plaque.
  • Visits to the dentist : Regular visits to the dentist are vital. The professional is the one who can best advise the expectant mother on the care of the mouth. Visiting the dentist at least once every trimester ensures that problems are detected early. In addition, cleanings and fluoride topications are performed to keep the mouth healthy. Consulting immediately when there is an emergency is essential to avoid more serious complications.

Caring for your mouth during pregnancy

The gums that bleed during pregnancy depend on the hormonal changes typical of this stage, but also on the presence of bacterial plaque. Paying attention to the necessary care so that bacteria do not accumulate on the mucous membranes can avoid this problem.

Good habits are essential to avoid the complications of gestational gingivitis. Thus, with simple measures, you can reduce the discomfort of inflamed gums to smile calmly during pregnancy.

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