10 Phrases From The Neverending Story For Children

It is said that the name should have been translated as The Never ending tale, the best known expression in the world of the Castilian language.
10 phrases from The Neverending Story for children

In  The Neverending Story  is a Story was written in 1979 by a German named Michael Ende. It is a highly imaginative story in which contributions go far beyond the limits and which was unprecedentedly successful.

The content of The Endless Story focuses on Bastián, its protagonist. Bastián is the target of the bad boys at school until one unexpected day he finally finds refuge in a library.

In the library, the owner comments on a magic book. Bastián once he enters the book, enters the world of fantasy. 

The endless story  takes the fantasies and through these reinforces the learning and, above all, the courage that is required for the realization of the proposed objectives.

10 phrases from The Neverending Story for children

  1. It is claimed that in the world of fantasy, each part of one belongs to the world of dreams. Also to the hope of humanity. That is why, as we have said, for the world of fantasy there are no limits. You can fantasize as many times as you want and want.
  2. There is curiosity on the part of the reader when he opens a book that was closed, his first question that comes to mind is that something must happen. Since when I open it, an eternal story always appears.
    10 phrases from the never ending story for kids.
  3. Each story is considered to be an endless story.
  4. The human being is made up of human passions. There are people who carry out activities without knowing why they do it.
  5. Sometimes we wonder what is seen in your mirror, what is seen in another mirror?
  6. Humans cannot live without hope. For the one who exercises control will control it very easily, he will be the powerful one.
  7. Sometimes we ask ourselves: Why does fantasy die?  Because hopes in humans die and sometimes they even forget about dreams.
  8. They shake hands without realizing it and they listen to each other delighted without realizing it. Everything unfolds in silence, it is because each one knew what he felt about the other. There is no other reason than the joy of having found a friend.
  9. In his dreams he felt that he was the strongest, the greatest or the most intelligent. Those wishes had already been overcome. Now all he wanted was to be loved as he was.
  10. It is important to follow the path of wishes. Although it is complicated, it does not seem that difficult. It is the most dangerous of all roads.

Facts and curiosities

The endless story  is divided into two parts. In the first one, the boy Bastián begins to read the book and knows the adventures of Prince Atreyu, who is the character sent by the Empress with the mission of saving Fantasy.

In the second part, Bastián has become a prince with supernatural powers and decides to travel the land he has saved. So Bastián decides to start the war to become the supreme ruler of the kingdom.

10 phrases from the never ending story for kids.

All through his wishes in this company created and as time passes he remembers his previous life. Until staying with the certainty of his name: Bastián Baltasar Bux. The first part of the book is considered to be the most fanciful. The writer Michael Ende considered that the story was reading for children and young people.

The ability to say different things at different ages. What makes the child, once he reaches adulthood or disappointment, can have the ability to analyze all the passages of that fable that he ever read.

The Neverending Story  is a book that allows rescue with great sympathy.  Without shortcuts and with the comfort for those who from time to time want to go back to childhood.

9 children's stories for your children

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