How To Prevent Sweat In Children

Sudamin are sweat vesicles that are retained on the surface of the skin by obstruction of the gland.
How to Prevent Sudamina in Children

Pathologies associated with the skin in children are common conditions. From sweat to rash diseases, they are skin conditions that cause concern in parents. Thus, prickly pear in children is a benign and transitory condition that does not leave sequelae or scars over time.

What is prickly pear?

Also called miliaria, it is a common skin pathology that is caused by the blockage of the eccrine sweat glands and their ducts. For this reason, there is a backflow of sweat towards the skin surface.

This is expressed in the epidermis as non-inflammatory sweat-containing vesicles that resolve spontaneously, that is, on their own. According to a study carried out by the journal ATDdermae , they are characterized by being clear, small (1 to 2 millimeters), confluent and fragile.

Sweating is one of the most important risk factors for developing prickly pear. Therefore, humid or hot climates and high fevers are linked to this picture.

Boy with sweat

In turn, it presents with greater predisposition in infants and children due to the immaturity of their eccrine ducts. There are different variants of this same disease:

  • Crystalline miliaria.
  • Rubra.
  • Miliaria pustulosa.
  • Deep

How to prevent sweat in children?

Although the clinical manifestations of prickly pear in children are self-resolving and do not require specific treatment, the best option is prevention of the condition. Babies and children have more delicate and sensitive skin than adults.

Here are some of the necessary conditions to try to avoid the presence of prickly pear so  that children do not suffer from this annoying condition.

Proper clothing

It is recommended to opt for clothes that are loose, 100% cotton, hemp or linen. Tight, synthetic materials help to block the eccrine sweat gland ducts.

In addition, when children are overcoated, excessive sweating is encouraged, so fewer garments should be worn.

Taking baths the right way

It is usually indicated to carry out at least one bath daily, or in those cases in which the climate is tropical and hot, baths every 3 hours. In turn, they should not be so long, but about 5 to 10 minutes long.

Frequent hygiene is essential, along with the use of neutral soaps that do not cause irritation or dermatitis. The water should be warm and not at high temperatures.

Frequent diaper changes to avoid sweat in children

In babies, the diaper remains in contact with the skin for a long time, which can lead to occlusion of the mouth of the glands. Consequently, constant change, even if it is clean, contributes to maintaining a sanitized and healthy area .

Even this practice also prevents the development of pathologies such as diaper rash or the proliferation of Candida . The groin areas and the gluteal folds are the ones that perspire the most in these cases and are in constant friction.

Choose lightweight products

The use of powders, thick oils or ointments should be avoided, as they remain for a long time on the surface of the skin and contribute to the obstruction of the sweat gland ducts.

The more fluid moisturizing emulsions or lotions are presentations that are more easily reabsorbed than creams, salves, ointments or gels.

Treat feverish illnesses

Excessive sweating is one of the risk factors for presenting this clinical picture. Therefore, children should be kept cool and prevented from sweating excessively.

In those feverish pictures that are expressed with excessive sweating, the choice of an antipyretic early and quickly is very effective.

Back of a baby with sweat.

Avoid direct sun exposure

Avoiding exposure to UV rays directly is another of the prickly pear prevention options. Even when choosing sunscreen, it should be considered that it is not too dense and is easily absorbed.

Temperate environments in which there is air conditioning, a fan or are not very hot are the most recommended for children, since the premise is to keep the skin dry, but not dehydrated.

Sudamina in children, a temporary nuisance

Sudamine in children is a skin condition characterized by being benign, superficial, and self-limited in about 24 hours. However, it causes itching and discomfort, which contributes to scratching of the sufferer and the consequent bacterial superinfection.

Children tend to suffer sleep disturbances due to the discomfort they feel and this generates concern and anguish in parents that leads them to consult a specialist doctor. However, n or often causes serious complications or symptoms and signs that endanger the health of children.

Sudamina: symptoms and treatment

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