6 Symptoms Of Affective Deficiency In Children

Parents who do not pay attention to their children can harm their well-being and emotional development.
6 symptoms of affective deficiency in children

Affective deficiency in children is more common than you think. And this is not an exaggeration. Modern life has caused an increase in the number of visits to the psychologist for various problems, among which the little or total lack of affection in the immediate environment is listed as the cause.

In the case of children, affection is extremely important. As human beings they need to be paid attention to, shown interest in their life, pampered, and expressed love and tenderness throughout their development. So your basic need is met security and affection and be their psycho-emotional development favors.

In fact, there have been numerous studies in which it has been shown that stroking children in early childhood contributes significantly to their neural development.

What is affective deficiency?

There is a misconception of what affective deprivation means in children. The only person who lacks filial protection or who is subjected to violence is not lacking in love .

Children who, even having their parents, did not experience a healthy family relationship also suffer from emotional deprivation . Either due to work absences or other complications.

Therefore, affective deficiency in children is that situation in which the child is deprived of receiving affection. This includes the following:

  • Violence.
  • Lack of attention.
  • Lack of protection.
  • Poor or no care (which can range from the nutritional to the emotional sphere).

Today, new technologies have impaired communication and the quality of relationships in human relationships. As a consequence, parents and children have also been affected. Therefore, it can be seen that, often, many parents are more attentive to their mobile phones than to their children.

On the other hand, electronic devices hinder relationships and alter the order of priorities. Reason why basic needs and, above all, affection are not adequately cared for.

Below we will tell you what are the symptoms of affective deficiency in children. You will see that the lack of love and care  not only affects the emotional aspect but also their physical health.

6 symptoms of affective deficiency in children

1. Infections

Those children who daily lack or receive very little affection from their parents, guardians, or any adult who is in charge of their protection are more prone to contracting infections.

But how is this possible? Lack of affection influences the body’s ability to defend itself against external agents such as viruses.

In other words, a depressed immune system does not have sufficiently efficient defense mechanisms to fight infection and, therefore, the chances of invading foreign agents affecting the body are greater.

2. Physical development

One of the consequences of lack of affection is the delay in the child’s physical development. Growth slows down. This is also related to physiological deficits. Especially in cases where there is poor nutrition.

3. The behavior

Children with emotional deficiencies are prone to behavioral disorders. According to the circumstances and the child in question, the following can be evidenced:

  • Aggressiveness.
  • Isolation.
  • Melancholia.
  • Outbreaks of anger.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Lack of impulse control.
  • Propensity to cry, among others.
Affective deficiency in children is a symptom that something is wrong.

4. Child stress

Stress is another condition closely associated with emotional deprivation in children. Any child who does not receive enough affection from his parents can develop a level of stress that is higher than he can bear, which has both physical and emotional consequences.

 5. Mistrust

In the face of absences, voids and failures, children do not feel safe and this causes them to have fears when interacting with other people.

Likewise, it is very common for children with emotional deficiencies to feel distrustful. And it is logical since, after all, they do not have a good example in their home.

By not feeling safe and fearing for their physical integrity, they are always on the defensive and alert to what is happening around them. Therefore, distrust is a clear indicator that something is wrong.

6. Difficulty interacting and relating to others

Difficulty relating to schoolmates, friends and even cousins ​​is another of the symptoms of emotional deprivation in children.

They often find it difficult to establish social relationships and are very anxious to do so. This, obviously, is a consequence of the lack of security they have in their home. 

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