7 Little-known Children’s Films For Times Of Crisis

Not all children’s movies are Disney. Thus, there are children’s films of great interest for their entertainment and values ​​that we echo here.
7 little-known children's movies for times of crisis

When we think of children’s movies and animated films , works from Disney, Dreamworks or the beautiful Studio Ghibli always come to mind.

They produce so much that we barely have time to enjoy some little-known children’s movies, but they are always worth giving them a try.

For this reason, now that we are going through times of crisis, and whenever necessary, we would like to take a short tour of some films created for children that, surely unfairly, are forgotten and are very worthwhile.

Little-known children’s movies

Remember these titles that, even though they were the product of some great producer, they did not have the deserved favor of the public.

Stanley’s Magic Garden

This cartoon film, directed in 1994 by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, tells the adventures of a troll who lives in Central Park, in the heart of New York.

In barely an hour and a quarter, the film tells the adventures of the little troll who has been banished from his land by a queen who hates flowers, while this being adores them and can make them grow with a simple gesture. For this reason, the film has a very interesting ecological and respect for nature background.

Stanley's Magic Garden, one of the little-known children's movies.
© Warner Bros. Family Entertainment / Warner Bros. Producer: Don Bluth

Titan AE

We return to the same directors, Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, who in 2000 made this animated film similar to Treasure Island , but taking the protagonists on a galactic journey.

Although it is an action and adventure film, the little ones will have a great time, because it does not give up and, along the way, they can enjoy learning values ​​as interesting as friendship and solidarity.

Bartok the Magnificent

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We now turn to 1999 to highlight a film by the same creators but, in this case, shooting a spin-off of the famous animated adaptation of Anastasia, although in this case starring the funny little bat that accompanied Rasputin, the bad guy on duty and famous royal character.

Unlike his predecessor, the aforementioned Anastasia , who seems more like the story of a Disney princess, Bartok lives, without losing his sense of humor, a kind of epic, an epic journey with initiatory touches that will lead him to know himself better and discover that there is a whole world waiting out there.

Tarón and the Magic Cauldron , one of Disney’s little-known children’s films

It is surprising that Disney has such an unknown movie as this. One of the darkest and least famous, but no less interesting and attractive for children.

Directed by Ted Berman and Richard Rich, it tells the story of a cauldron with the ability to raise the dead from their grave.

However, let’s not forget that it was shot under the aegis of Disney, so when we talk about darkness, it is comparing it with other blacker ones, but in the factory of imagination the charm and fun have little sinister.

More Little Known Movies for Kids

Cats don’t dance

This film is a classic animated musical released in 1997 and directed by Mark Dindal. In its day it went quite unnoticed by the general public, a shame, because it is quite funny and deserved better luck.

Cats Don't Dance, one of the little-known children's movies.
© Turner Feature Animation; Warner Bros; Family entertainment

The film is a classic-style musical, but starring animals. With an excellent soundtrack and the story of those beings who want to see their dreams come true, we will meet protagonists with a lot of charisma who persevere until they achieve victory with homage to Hollywood film classics included.

Kirikú and the witch

This film went unnoticed in 1998 for the simple fact of being European. Directed by Michel Ocelot, it breaks with the usual Hollywood narrative to offer a different image of fantasy.

This film  brings together, on the one hand, a touch of African folklore and, on the other, a beautiful hieroglyph of cultural legends and myths. Therefore, the child will enjoy this movie in the form of a magical tale or fable.

The iron Giant

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We finish our tour with a 1997 film directed by Brad Bird, a director who will later direct works of great weight, such as The Incredibles or Ratatouille .

In this work we find a beautiful parable about weapons, about peace and about war. Through the giant protagonist, the boy will discover an unforgettable story about friendship and kindness.

About little-known children’s movies

As you have seen, not all children’s films have to be from Disney, as there are really interesting titles outside of that factory.

So, write down these 7 little-known children’s movies for times of crisis or for any moment. It will always be a good occasion to enjoy any of them with your little ones at home.

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