Do You Know What Ablactation Is?

Do you know what ablactation is?

Every baby deserves to be well nourished from the moment they arrive in the world and, there is no doubt that the most effective way is breastfeeding. But, as our little ones grow, their bodies demand other nutrients, so we have to start with a process known as ablactation.

Probably, it is a term that can scare you because it is a bit complex, but mommy and daddy don’t worry, because it is nothing other than change one way of eating for another . In the case of children, this has important implications such as nutritional, psychological, immunological and microbiological adjustments.

Introducing solid foods does not mean giving up breastfeeding

Of course, we have to clarify that introducing other types of food does not mean that we stop breastfeeding our babies . This beautiful bond of communication and love between a mother and her child can last as long as both consider it necessary, with two years being the recommended age to begin weaning.

The breast milk  will remain its primary source of nutrition , which will influence the proper development of the digestive system, the protection of diseases, the strengthening of the immune system , among other aspects directly related to your health.

The secrets of ablactation


When our little ones start eating solid foods, we will find ourselves more in love with them than ever. Their expressions will be cause for happiness, but, beyond that, we will be knowing your tastes regarding food and we will learn to feed them carefully.

We have to emphasize that this process should only start after six months , because doing it before will only be reflected in the uncontrolled increase of the body mass index  , indiscriminate elevation of the percentage of fat, incidence of respiratory diseases and problems in the digestive system.

“The perfect age to introduce solid foods is from six months.”

Besides this, we have to follow the recommendations of the pediatrician who is monitoring the child’s development . No matter what others think, or what other moms previously did with their children, listen to what your trusted doctor tells you and do not go beyond those limits.

Basic rules


With these recommendations always present, we want to show you a list of the basic rules of ablactation , so that you can start this beautiful stage of your little one on the right foot:

  • One food at a time for three or four days: it will allow you to discover your tolerance to that new element that reaches your belly.
  • Do not force him to eat something, or try to give him all the portion that you consider fair . They will tell you when they don’t want more.
  • First, offer him from your breast; and then feed him solid food.
  • Provide natural foods that do not have chemicals such as colorants, preservatives, etc. .
  • Don’t add salt, seasonings, or sugar.
  • Adjust your eating habits to the family menu , as this is part of the child’s learning.
  • Make sure the temperature is bearable before giving it to him.
  • If you give soups, make sure it has a little dissolved vegetables .

Today, there are new methodologies to teach our children to eat, such as Baby Led Weaning  (BLW), in which they get in direct contact with the food and learn the process in an effective way.

The three phases of ablactation

Giving solid food is not an easy task, that’s why we present you the foods that are seen in the different stages of ablactation:

  • Six months : apple, pear, carrot, potato, pumpkin, zucchini, chard and cereals without gluten .
  • Seven to nine months : egg yolk, peach, legumes, beef, turkey, chicken, strained or cooked, lentils and chickpeas.
  • From nine to twelve months : It is the ideal age for you to eat as a family and touch food with your own hands. Right now, you can eat oatmeal, all kinds of fruits (except citrus), corn, pasta, bread, cheeses, and legumes.

At all times, it is essential to keep them hydrated with water , to help them with digestion and proper absorption of nutrients.

Many moms dream of that day when they begin to taste food, so we have to be well advised and learn delicious recipes  that are perfect for them . When we get here, we can be sure that our little angel is growing healthy and strong and that the challenges are yet to begin.

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