5 Techniques To Clean Baby Snot

5 Techniques to clean baby snot

Now that winter is coming and with it the drop in temperatures, it is common to see babies and children with snot. We see desperate mothers because their children start to catch a cold and with it respiratory problems are frequent.

This makes it difficult for them to eat and sleep, so it is an issue that concerns us. It is important to remove mucus, because if it builds up in your airways, it can lead to infections.

Babies breathe through their nose and having it clogged with a lot of mucus forces them to breathe through their mouths. This makes them sleep poorly, makes it difficult to eat, and can even cause them to vomit.

Next, we show a series of techniques to clean your child’s nose so that this is not a problem again.

Techniques to clean baby snot


1. Physiological serum

This is the main technique for nasal cleansing of our child, and also the most used. It is water to which salt has been added to make it resemble the fluids in our body. This what it does is help the boy by softening the snot. Thanks to this, the little one ends up expelling them or ends up swallowing them.

There is no problem with him swallowing them. These will end up in the stomach and from there they will finally be expelled through the pee or stool.

Today they sell in pharmacies already the product prepared to do these nasal cleansings. It is important to ask for the one that is appropriate for your child’s age, because if it has a lot of pressure it can cause germs to go to the ears.

Washing must be done before eating and before sleeping. 3 or 4 times a day is usually enough.

2. Nasal cannula aspirator

This instrument consists of a mouthpiece for the mother or father and a head that adapts to the child’s nose. In this head there is a filter to control the suction pressure and to stop the snot that arrives.

The head must be placed on the nose of our child and with care the father or mother should suck without much force.

3. Pear nasal aspirator

This type of vacuum cleaner is also very common. It consists of a mouthpiece that is inserted into a pear-shaped rubber. The mouthpiece is inserted into the nose of our baby and then we press the pear and release little by little so that it sucks up the snot.

4. Nasal forceps

These are recommended when the mucus is dry. They have a safety stop so that the clamp does not go too far into the baby’s nose. In certain situations, having a nose clip can come in handy.

5. After the bath

Another technique that also works well to remove our little one’s mucus is right after the bath. When we bathe our child with hot water, it softens the mucus and therefore it is much easier for them to come out.

How to alleviate certain difficulties caused by snot in the baby

  • Offer fluids constantly. With this we hydrate it and promote the expulsion of mucus.
  • If the snot prevents your child from sleeping, try to put his back and head slightly higher than the rest of the body. This can be achieved by putting a book under the crib to act as a wedge or by folding a blanket and placing it under the mattress so that the back is higher.
  • Feed him in small amounts but more often. Food along with mucus can make you vomit.
  • Humid and ventilated environment. If we have a humid environment, it helps them to decongest.
  • Use humidifiers. These are very useful when our child has congestion, since humid air enters and softens the mucus in his lungs, helping him to expel it.

Now that you know some techniques to relieve your child’s mucus, you can put them into practice. With them, your baby will be more comfortable and you will be calmer. Snot will never be a problem again.

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