Volleyball For Children

As parents it is always exciting for our children to play sports. Among them, children’s volleyball is a great option to develop teamwork.
Volleyball for kids

There is no sports discipline for every age. It will largely depend on the ability of the player. One of the sports through which certain abilities can be developed is children’s volleyball.

It is a discipline that is commonly practiced on sports fields and has easy-to-learn elements.

Volleyball as a sports discipline

One of the advantages of sport is that children begin to identify with teamwork, in addition to being able to coordinate rapid movements.

The fact that children are in a formative stage should induce parents to help their children interact with other children.

Another advantage of volleyball for kids is that it can be a great after-school activity as well as recreational activity. It can even be practiced as a family.

Its low requirements, just a ball and a net, make this sport an easy activity to undertake. There will be no major physical contact between players, so you don’t have to worry about heavy blows or collisions.

Benefits of volleyball for kids

The fact that your children practice this sport will provide them with:

  • Better ability to react and make quick movements.
  • Adapt the mind to diverse situations in a few seconds or minutes.
  • Increase your motor skills.
  • Develops your capacity for mental and physical control.
  • It motivates them to cooperate to work as a team.
  • Improves physical endurance.
Volleyball is a sport that can be practiced as a family.

How to get started in children’s volleyball?

The ideal age to start practicing this discipline is between 6 and 10 years old, after having evaluated that the children have developed their motor part correctly.

This is because there is a process where the physical ability and natural motor coordination of each child come into play.

The technical aspects correspond to a stage between 10 and 13 years, so that when entering adolescence they will be able to practice already at a competitive level. 

First basic rules of volleyball

If you want to start your children in this discipline, it is not good to cram them with the technical part and many rules. Just learning the basics will be enough to get started and entertained:

The game

Each team will be made up of 6 children and will play on one side of the court. The idea is to hit the ball and pass it to the other side of the court over the net, until a team fails or drops it.

It can also happen that when hitting it falls outside the limit or size of the court, being considered invalid. Each team has the opportunity to hit the ball 3 times to pass it to the other end of the court over the net.

Regarding the score, you can reach up to 15 points, and the difference to win must be 2 points with respect to the other team. For points to be valid, it must always fall within the boundaries of the court.

Balls due to poor reception when defending also count as points to the other team.

Serve or serve

Positioning yourself outside in the last line of the court, you must hit the ball until it takes it to the opponent’s team’s court  over the net. When hitting the ball, you can hit it from below with your fist or above your head with the extension of your arm.

Volleyball allows you to improve your ability to react.

Hands and position

Upon receiving the ball in play from the opposing team, flex your legs. For the succession of the touches, you can use the forearms with clasped hands or the same hands.

Usually to give the second touch the tips of the fingers are used, in order to achieve a good placement of the last touch. In the latter  you can hit the ball with the palm of your hand and make it reach the opposite court overcoming the net.


In children’s volleyball, it is best to use a ball with a soft and light coating. In addition, the court must be projected in dimensions smaller than those of a higher level.

Remember that  in volleyball for children the stages must be respected. Your children will see this activity as something recreational. If you really like it, there will be time to think on another level, you will surely find the motivation to advance in this discipline.

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