Giving Solidarity Toys And Teaching Values ​​to Children

The fact of giving solidarity gifts to children is a great idea so that they understand the importance of helping and getting involved in a social cause.

Solidarity is a social value that consists of acting for the benefit of others in an altruistic way. A good option to promote this from childhood is to give children solidarity toys. Thus, learn that small gestures can help other needy or vulnerable people.

In this sense, it must be taken into account that being involved in satisfying the needs and desires of others is not something innate, but rather that this commitment is acquired and developed over time. It is best to begin to put into practice the value of solidarity from the first years of life.

Giving solidarity toys and teaching values ​​to children

With the simple gesture of giving a solidarity toy instead of other commercial toys, children assume certain civic and social values, such as:

  • Empathy
  • Social responsibility.
  • Commitment.
  • Justice.

Currently, there are many foundations and associations that decide to sell solidarity toys, allocating the economic benefits to a social cause related to the most vulnerable people in the population.

Next, we recommend some solidarity toys that can be a good option to give to the little ones for Christmas or at birthday celebrations.

Baby pelones

The Juegaterapia Foundation allows you to buy Baby Pelones, small dolls with the scent of vanilla, which are characterized by the original scarves that they wear on their heads. In this case, all profits go to:

  • Invest in cancer research.
  • Build gardens on the disused rooftops of different hospitals throughout Spain.

Solidarity stories

The Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities (COCEMFE) and the Carrefour Solidarity Foundation, in collaboration with Disney, have for sale a series of fantastic solidarity stories for 2.50 euros each. Of this amount, 1.25 euros are destined to:

  • Acquire vehicles adapted for people with physical and organic disabilities. 
  • Obtain technical equipment for the creation of multisensory stimulation classrooms. 

The Nonitos

Famosa and the Carrefour Solidarity Foundation have put on sale a collection of solidarity soft toys, called Nonitos, with a price of 3.50 euros each.

This initiative is intended to allocate the profits to buy the technologies required to implement the bbmiradas program, whose purpose is to facilitate early detection and intervention in babies at risk of presenting autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Unicef ​​Toys

Unicef ​​(The United Nations Children’s Fund) has its own catalog of solidarity gifts, so that the full benefits for the purchase of any of its products or toys are intended to guarantee and protect the rights of children of all the world.

The benefits of giving solidarity toys

By receiving gifts of solidarity,  children observe, experience and learn how easy it is to contribute to the betterment of society and the world. But, so that they can make this reflection, it is important that, when giving them the gift, it is explained to them to whom the money that has been collected with the purchase of the toy is destined, in such a way that the little ones see themselves, in some way, involved in the cause.

Therefore, the benefits that are achieved by buying solidarity toys are both individual and collective, since with this type of action we will be educating children socially and civically while helping those most in need. 

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