10 Applications To Cope With Isolation

The diverse range of applications for mobile devices of all kinds of categories can make the isolation caused by COVID-19 more bearable.
10 apps to cope with insulation

The isolation decreed to stop the coronavirus pandemic can be more enjoyable thanks to a series of applications for smartphones or tablets,  either to connect with your loved ones, to find online games, shared family planners, etc. Read on and discover some of the best apps for coping with family isolation.

Applications to connect with yours

The declared general isolation due to the coronavirus has caused our social relations to be reduced. However, there are  a number of applications that allow you to stay close to yours despite the distance. These are some of the best you can use:

  • Facebook Messenger. It is one of the most popular social networks in the world and, surely, a large part of your environment has a Facebook account. In addition, M essenger includes a series of filters that will make your video calls fun, either through the desktop application or mobile.
  • Zoom. Despite being the most used application in work-related video calls,  Zoom is also  one of the best applications to cope with isolation, since it allows you to connect with your family.
    Family making video call with one of the applications to cope with isolation.
  • Hangouts. Choosing this application to make video calls can be one of the most comfortable options to stay connected during quarantine, since it is one of the easiest to use. Also, one of its positive features to highlight would be the ability to share screen during the video call.
  • DiscordWidely used by the youngest, especially among gamers,  this application allows you to create voice calls without the need to register your mobile number or email. This makes it  one of the safest and most effective applications for making group calls.

    Applications to cope with insulation and home organization

    The days during the quarantine can seriously affect our routine, which is especially harmful for the little ones. One of the best ways to take advantage of the isolation would be to start involving the little ones in the responsibilities of household chores. Some of these applications can help you in this task:

    • OurHome. This application encourages the responsibility of children while ensuring that everyday tasks are not so boring. OurHome allows parents, through the application, to use  a motivation system that encourages children to get involved in household chores  through prizes and victory points for each task performed.
    • Cozi Family Organizer. It is a shared planner that allows you to view the calendars of each family member  to keep up to date with individual events, the tasks that each one has to perform, and many more options. 
    • Alowance & Chores Bot. This organizer will make it easier for you to  distribute household chores among family members in the most fun way possible. Once the children complete their homework, parents can assign as many points as they see fit and then exchange them for agreed prizes.
      Father with his son playing with some of the applications to cope with the isolation.

    Apps for family fun

    Finally, it is essential to spend time with the family to share fun moments and distract ourselves in a healthy way in these circumstances. For this reason, we propose a series of applications to play with the whole family:

    • DrawSomething. Drawing as a family has never been so much fun! This application allows you to play through mobile devices with a large group of people. Participants must guess what the player on duty is drawing  based on brief descriptions.
    • That I am? This adaptation of the classic version for the smartphone world  is a  guessing game that will keep the whole family entertained for hours. In turns, the players will have to place the mobile on their foreheads showing the word to guess, while the rest of the participants will have to help to guess it through clues.
    • QuizUp What makes this trivia game especially entertaining is the infinite number of categories it has.  QuizUp  is a game for the whole family in which you will be able to challenge yourself with questions regarding both the capitals of the world and the plot of  Harry Potter .
    Children's apps to entertain children

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