Hyperemesis Gravidarum, A Set Of Pregnancy Complaints

Hyperemesis gravidarum, a set of pregnancy discomforts

It is known as hyperemesis gravidarum to a condition typical of pregnancy, which includes a series of characteristic discomforts. As is known, the pregnant woman suffers a series of symptoms that we consider normal. However, sometimes this condition is really severe.

In general, when hyperemesis gravidarum is mild, treatment is basic. In most cases, the woman can rest, change her diet and apply some changes to her routine, in order to improve. However, when the situation worsens, the patient may even be hospitalized. For this reason, specialists invite us to always seek professional help, even when we know the cause.

The set of complaints that characterize this condition are dizziness, vomiting, nausea, electrolyte disorders and weight loss. Although not all symptoms occur in all women, at least some of these occur.

How is hyperemesis gravidarum manifested?

It has been found that between 70% and 80% of pregnant women suffer from some of these symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy. These discomforts occur with greater intensity mainly in the morning. Although they are quite “normal” symptoms, hospital centers register at least 60 thousand urgent cases a year.

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In other words, hyperemesis gravidarum can become a serious problem for the pregnant woman. For this reason, the woman who deteriorates too much, must go to the emergency room like any other patient. In severe cases the mother may need intravenous fluid replacement. However, specialists assure that all women should see a doctor before taking something to treat these symptoms.

Severe nausea is a reflection of increased hormone levels. Similarly, recent studies explain that they occur to protect the baby from harmful foods. Hyperemesis gravidarum occurs around 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. It usually goes away by at most 13 weeks. Therefore, relief from these discomforts does not come naturally until about 20 weeks.

However, 20% of pregnant women may require medical treatment for hyperemesis gravidarum throughout the gestation process. Until now, there is no known way to prevent this condition, but certain changes in our life can help improve it.

How to identify hyperemesis gravidarum?

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Typical morning sickness is different from what is known as hyperemesis gravidarum. Here we explain how to distinguish them.

  • The nausea that occurs is always accompanied by severe vomiting, unlike the others that do not always end in vomiting episodes
  • When nausea occurs from hyperemesis, it does not decrease in intensity after 12 weeks of pregnancy
  • Discomfort can lead to severe dehydration
  • They do not allow food to be withheld. In the case of morning sickness this does not happen
  • Many food aversions occur
  • Fainting occurs
  • Increase heart rate
  • There is a weight loss of at least 5%
  • Decrease urination
  • Episodes of anxiety, depression, extreme fatigue and confusion ensue
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • In some cases there is jaundice

 Treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum

In the case of hyperemesis gravidarum, the expectant mother is often hospitalized. To treat the condition, the hospital procedure is as follows:

  • Administration of intravenous fluids. Vitamins, nutrients and electrolytes are placed
  • Tube feeding is given, either nasogastric (through the nose) or percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (through the abdomen into the stomach)
  • Indication of anti-reflux or antihistamine medications

Other less orthodox treatments include acupressure, hypnosis or the administration of homeopathic medicines. However, this type of medication should be consulted with the doctor before being taken into account. Specialists warn that self-medication is not recommended for any reason.

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