Mom, Go: The First Signs Of Independence

Mom, go: the first signs of independence

Your child’s first signs of independence will shock you, make you smile, make you proud, or make you melancholic. After having carried that little creature in your belly for so many weeks, giving birth in pain, bathing it, nursing it, sleeping it, carrying it and taking care of it with such care, that suddenly it makes you see: “I no longer need you”, it can make you surface dissimilar emotions .

The growth of a child is part of life, in fact, it makes a woman’s existence more wonderful, and although a mother is never really ready to hear:

  • Mom, go!
  • Leave me alone!
  • Do not come!
  • Stay here!
  • Do not follow me!

It is essential to prepare for that moment that, sooner rather than later, is going to come.

Signs of independence with 2 years of life

Between the end of the first year of life and the beginning of the second, children begin to show how independent they will be.

At this age, whether you have stimulated it or not, your child will probably want to start reaching for the spoon to put food in his mouth.

Since he does not know how to do it well, it is logical that he cannot feed himself and continues to need your help; However, it is in that interest in eating alone, when it will be giving you the first signs of independence: vestiges that you should take advantage of and stimulate so that your child conquers one of the most important achievements of his development: that of eating alone.


Signs of independence between 2 and 3 years of life

Children, as many mothers like to say, are sponges that collect all the information they have at their fingertips.

Thanks to this need to copy the adults of their species and act like them, they feel the interest to do things for themselves, and they launch themselves towards a true “metamorphosis” aimed at achieving their autonomy.

As a baby, your child cried every time his most precious toy fell away from him. She knew that when she cried, Mom or anyone else would attend to her request.

However, as your child’s brain and psychomotor abilities began to develop, he realized that he could reach for the toy too, he just needed to lean forward and crawl to go in search of his prize.

Between 2 and 3 years of life the baby that once needed full time from its mother is gone. Now you raise a child who wants to be big, feel free and have himself just like other people do.

At this age, your child may choose the clothes he wants to wear to go to kindergarten and even explain why he does not like this or other shorts.


Signs of independence with 3 years of life

If your child is 3 years old, he feels like a man.

When you take him to the amusement park, he will want you not to fall behind him. He may ask you to wait for him somewhere for a chance to go find friends to have fun with.

He will aspire to run and climb on his own like a much larger child. But of course, this will not be the time to leave him completely alone.

Even though you must give him some freedom to walk a little away from you, you must not lose sight of him, because the boy-man that you have will probably fall and start crying as soon as he does his first feat.

Your child will also let go of your hand to climb stairs, walk on the sidewalk, or run around on the beach. These signals will become more pronounced when you discover an “audience” applauding and praising you for your independence.

Mom, go: the first signs of independence

It is after 3 years of life when your child will change you for his friends, maybe even a little earlier.

Although he will love that you play with him and even throw a tantrum if you say: “Now I can’t. I must make dinner ”, the insistence will come to an end, and he will even forget you for a few minutes, if a friend comes to play with him.

Mom, the first signs of independence from your son are the clearest sign that he is growing and needing support, trust and an environment free of dangers, to act on his own.

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