Headaches During Pregnancy

Headaches during pregnancy

During pregnancy it is very common to suffer from headaches and it is that pregnancy can be 9 months of headache. During these nine months, headaches can get worse as the baby grows in the womb, but the worst thing is that you cannot rely on some medications to relieve them that are common for headaches, especially if you tend to have pain headaches or migraines.

But luckily there are other tactics that can help you get some relief from your headaches when you’re pregnant . The important thing first of all is to know why you have these headaches, because in this way if you know their origin, you will be able to find the remedy much earlier.

Why do headaches appear

During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body experiences an increase in hormones and also an increase in blood volume. These two changes can cause quite frequent headaches. These headaches can be further aggravated by stress, poor posture or even when there are changes in vision – something that happens to some pregnant women.

There may also be other causes of pregnancy headaches which may include the following:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Low blood sugar
  • Dehydration
  • Stress
  • Emotional problems
  • Tiredness
  • Hunger
  • Nasal congestion
  • Allergies

Women who have regular headaches may find that they experience fewer headaches during pregnancy. However , other women may find the same headache compared to migraines before they got pregnant, or even worse and worse. If you are pregnant and you tend to have headaches, then now is the time to talk to your doctor about the medication you could take for these severe headaches.


Headaches during the third trimester are usually more related to poor posture and the tension that exists from excess weight. Headaches during the third trimester can also be caused by a condition called pre-eclampsia – high blood pressure during pregnancy. In this case, it is a doctor who must do the follow-up to make sure that everything is going well.

What can you do for a headache

There are many measures so that you can relieve headaches and you should choose – together with your doctor if necessary – the one that best suits you and with the intensity of the pain you have.

  • For tension headaches and migraines. You should spend a few minutes lying down in a dark, quiet room. If you’re at work, try to find a quiet place, close your eyes, and put your feet up for 15 minutes. You can also put a cloth-wrapped ice pack on the back of your neck for 20 minutes.
    • For allergy headaches or nasal congestion. You can try inhaling steam to relieve congestion or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air. You can also apply hot and cold compresses to the place where your head hurts and alternate every 30 seconds from one place to another on the head for 10 minutes, four times a day. You will also need to drink a lot of fluids so that the mucus dissolves better. If you notice that you have any type of infection, then it is best to see your doctor to send you a nasal decongestant that is safe to use while you are pregnant.
    • For other headaches. You know that you cannot take ibuprofen or other medicines that are very dangerous for your baby, so go to your doctor so that he can recommend some medicines that are safe for pregnancy -with the correct dose- and that in this way you can feel relief in your headaches. Never take a medication without consulting your doctor first.

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