Why Is Iron Essential In Pregnancy?

Iron acts as a cofactor in carrying oxygen through the blood. A deficit in the levels of this mineral can cause anemia.
Why is iron essential in pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is normal for the needs of certain nutrients to increase. One of them is iron, whose deficiency can lead to a pathological state such as anemia. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the diet to ensure its contribution. There are many reasons to consume iron during pregnancy. Today, doctors recommend iron supplements to almost all mothers, even from the first moments of pregnancy. In this way, the risk of deficiency and associated complications is reduced, according to a study published in 2017.

Why take Iron?

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The first thing you should know is that when you are pregnant, the blood circulation in the body changes markedly. In fact, with the presence of the fetus, blood levels in the mother’s body increase by up to 50%.

For this reason, and given that iron acts as a fundamental cofactor for the transport of oxygen, the demands of the mineral are increased. Otherwise, anemia may develop that leads to tiredness and chronic fatigue.

However, it is also important to monitor vitamin B12 levels, and even assess its supplementation. An extra contribution of this substance is able to reduce the risk of anemia, according to an article published in the “Chilean Journal of Pediatrics.”

Baby reservations 

Consuming an extra dose of iron is also essential for the infant who is forming. The point is that the baby depends on the mother’s iron stores to create its own storage.

This is key because such deposits are what the baby will use to spend its first weeks of life, before it can store iron product of its diet as an independent human being.

Another important aspect is that part of that iron that is transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy will be essential for the formation of the placenta.

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Preventing anemia

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Some women need extra doses of iron because they have low levels of the mineral in their bodies before they get pregnant.  This condition can lead to the development of “iron deficiency anemia” in the mother.

This condition presents symptoms that can alert us in time, in case we do not carry out adequate control of our pregnancy in its first phase. 

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are: yellowish or very pale skin, exaggerated exhaustion, headaches, and rapid heartbeat.  Other symptoms are irritability, tongue sores, and uneven skin healing patterns.

Recommended diet

In addition to the supplement, it is best to eat foods high in iron during pregnancy.   Lean beef and chicken are highly recommended in this case.

Another inexhaustible source of iron is grains, especially lentils, red and black beans.  Oatmeal, raisins and plums, spinach, and white bread also add to the cause.

The important thing at all times is to supply the necessary iron for you and for the growth of your baby.

Tricks to take advantage of your content

Vitamin C actively participates in the metabolism of iron, improving its absorption. For this reason, the inclusion of citrus fruits in the diet can be a solution to the low digestibility of iron from vegetables. 

It is also important to avoid consuming substances that interfere with its absorption. An example of this type of food is coffee or tea. Most likely, you should avoid them during your pregnancy.  Better yet, you can substitute these drinks for others that help you assimilate the vital mineral.

What if I consume too much?

Everything in excess is bad; This also happens with the supply of iron during pregnancy, since if you exaggerate too much you can cause some problems such as gastrointestinal discomfort.

These limits will be difficult to overcome, but not impossible. That is why it is so important to consult your doctor and follow the instructions he gives you to the letter.

A balanced diet during pregnancy

To avoid iron deficiencies and any other nutrient, it is important to have a varied and balanced diet. Once this has been achieved, supplementation can be evaluated in the case of presenting the risk of not being able to satisfy the daily needs of some substance.

In any case, the health specialist is in charge of assessing the need for the inclusion of supplements in the diet.

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