5 Books About Marine Animals

Within the animal world, marine animals are one of those that most attract the attention of children.
5 books about marine animals

Animals enchant the little ones in the house. In the field of children’s literature, they are also his favorite characters in stories. Children, in the vast majority of cases, will always choose a book where animals appear, regardless of the book it is: informative, illustrated or a narrative.

Among the different types of animals that exist, one of those that most attract the attention of children are those related to the sea and waters. Whales, sharks and fish of all types and colors dazzle you in a totally fascinating way.

Next, we leave you a selection of books on marine animals that you will enjoy both young and old due to the quality of their illustrations, their stories and their informative data.

Books about marine animals

1. Cuckoo behind the sea

It is recommended that, since they are small, children begin to differentiate the different types of animals that exist. Depending on their age, the level of division and its classification may be simpler or more complex.

Marine animals, protagonists of this selection of children's books.

On this occasion, we wanted to choose a book recommended mainly for babies and children up to two years old. In an ideal format for them, cardboard, each of the pages of the book will represent a different sea animal.

But the book does not end here, but, as its title indicates, each of these animals will play peekaboo with the children through some folding flaps that they themselves must open to discover the animal that hides underneath.

2. Marine animals

A recommended book for children between three and five years old  whose objective is that the little ones know the different animals that inhabit the sea. The same objective as the book we were previously talking about, however, on this occasion, in a much broader and more complex way.

They will discover the different types of animals that live in the sea, but not simply by turning the pages, but,  with the help of a magic lantern that accompanies the book, they will be able to discover the details that are hidden in each page. In this way, the little ones will be much more focused on enjoying the illustrations and the different animals that are hidden under the light of the flashlight.

3. The rainbow fish

This book has undoubtedly become one of the classics in children’s literature around the world, in addition to having been awarded numerous times by relevant children’s magazines and important literature awards.

As the protagonist of the seabed, we will find the rainbow fish, which will fascinate the little ones due to the wonderful illustrations that draw it.

Despite already having more than 20 years since its publication, the success of the book for showing values ​​such as the importance of sharing, has made the initial story have been added several more titles about this unique fish.

More books on marine animals

4. Inventory of the seas

Informational books are a great resource to use with children since, in a totally playful way, they learn about different scientific and important topics. On this occasion, within the Illustrated Inventories collection ,  of the Kalandraka publishing house, we wanted to choose the informative book that refers to the sea.

The whale is one of the marine animals featured in these children's books.

Throughout its pages, the little ones will be able to discover up to 100 different marine species, divided into 11 categories, and various marine plants that coexist with these species.

In addition to the fantastic illustrations with all kinds of details in each of the marine animals, the informative texts that accompany each of them are also an essential element to learn more about them.

5. The whale

A beautiful and tender illustrated album recommended for children from five years old, who will be able to know the tender friendship between a child who lives by the sea and the beached whale that one morning is there.

The detailed illustrations show very well the changes between the calm of the day on the beach and the revolution of the night. In addition, the background of the story deals with several interesting themes: the loneliness of the protagonist when his father has to leave for work very early and throughout the day, as well as the friendship and tenderness he finds when taking care of the whale.

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