8 Reasons To Ban Smartphones To Children Under 12 Years Old

Is it advisable to prohibit the use of mobile phones by children? There are certain aspects that indicate that perhaps this is the most appropriate decision for the well-being and health of our children.
8 reasons to ban smartphones to children under 12 years old

Although we may sometimes think that the reasons for banning smartphones to children may be somewhat exaggerated measures, there are strong arguments that indicate that it could be the best for them. Before, the biggest concern was that children spent too many hours in front of a television; nowadays, they even fall asleep with their cell phone in hand.

Some experts on the subject assure that the mobile phone can be harmful for them, and even emphasize that more and more babies and young children use tablets and smartphones, when they could only begin to interact with technology after 2 years and not before . Here we explain 8 reasons to ban smartphones to children and babies:

Reasons to ban smartphones to children and babies

There are strong reasons why a child should not enter the world of technology before 2 years of age. Although it is true that children today are practically born with electronic devices, it is very important to avoid any excess and to know how it can affect them if there is no regulation of their use.

1.- Brain development

Since the brain is exposed to excessive use of technologies, this can accelerate its growth, especially in babies between 0 and 2 years of age. This would result in problems such as attention deficit, cognitive delays, learning problems, increased impulsivity and lack of self-control.

The use of the mobile at an early age can cause problems in the development of the baby.

2.- Excess radiation

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies mobile phones as a risk for children and even adults because they emit too much radiation. Children in this case are more sensitive to these agents, which increases the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer.

3.- Mental illnesses

Various studies have revealed that the excessive use of new technologies is significantly increasing the rate of childhood depression and anxiety, attachment disorders, attention deficit, bipolar disorder, psychosis and other childhood behavior problems. All this is also linked to other factors such as social networks, where children are often prone to experiencing cyberbullying.

4.- Aggressive behaviors

With new technologies, children are more likely to receive violent and aggressive content, which can alter their behavior. We must remember that children imitate everything they see, which makes it even more dangerous for them to receive any type of content without verification. Therefore, parents must be very attentive to what our children do.

5.- Sleep disorders

Experts indicate that parents who do not supervise the use of technology by their children in their room tend to have children who have more difficulty falling asleep, due to the use of mobile phones during the night. This lack of sleep will greatly affect your academic performance and health.

6.- Attention deficit

The excessive use of technology can also cause attention deficit in children, in addition to reducing their interaction with other children or people. It can also decrease children’s concentration and memory, as the speed of content affects them.

7.- Childhood obesity

Using technologies often implies a sedentary lifestyle, and this is a problem that is increasing notably in homes. Lack of activity causes children to suffer from obesity and this causes diseases such as diabetes, vascular or heart problems.

8.- Child addiction

Some studies conclude that  one in every 11 children between the ages of 8 and 18 is addicted to new technologies, a rather alarming figure and that as the years go by it may increase. Every time children use an electronic device, they become more separated from their parents, family and friends.

Prolonged use of the mobile isolates adolescents.

When can children and teenagers use smartphones?

The Japan Pediatric Association started a campaign to ban smartphones to children, suggesting that parents exercise control and play more recreational games with them. For their part, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Pediatric Society revealed that babies from 0 to 2 years old should not use technology, while children from 3 to 5 years old should use it in a measured way and only for one hour a day . Finally, for those 6 to 18 years of age, the use should be a maximum of 2 hours a day.

We must know the damage that new technologies can cause to children and young people. It is difficult to prevent them from using them, because they were practically born with them, but it is possible to prevent them from using them excessively and this can cause them harm. It is important that they do not replace playtime with their parents or reading a book.

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