Autumn Is Coming And With It, Colds

Is it possible to avoid suffering from colds and other pathologies with the arrival of autumn? In practice, there are some good habits to keep in mind, both for adults and children.
Autumn is coming and with it, colds

When summer ends, the temperature changes become more noticeable. Autumn heralds the arrival of cold and drafts, which tend to affect us. With the change, colds spread everywhere.

Is it the cold that makes us likely to catch the flu? To tell the truth, the problem is not the low temperatures, but our attitude towards them. Let’s see what this is all about.

Why are there more flu cases in the fall?

With the cold, the humidity in the environment drops and this favors the transmission of viruses in the air. As people are looking for heat on these dates, we tend to spend more time indoors. This agglomeration facilitates interpersonal contagion.

Also, cold tends to promote dry nasal passages. Under this condition, it is much easier for viruses to enter the respiratory tract. For all this is that we usually talk about ‘colds’.

On the other hand, low temperatures cause our defenses to be below normal. Basically, the cold creates a series of conditions that favor the proliferation of colds.

A perspective on low defenses

Some believe that the changes in the nasal passages have to do with the lowering of the immune system due to the cold. By lowering the body temperature, the blood vessels located in the throat and nose are reduced.

It is thought that the circulation of white blood cells in the airways depends on these vessels. By retreating, we could be less protected in these areas; in this way, viruses and infections enter more easily.

In the case of hot, two-season countries, this would occur in periods of rain. In heat, blood vessels are also known to dilate. The problem is that, since the virus has already entered, it reproduces and affects us.

Colds are a very common condition after the summer.

Does taking vitamin C help?

To tell the truth, science has failed to prove a link between vitamin C intake and increased protection. If the problem is in the respiratory tract, the influence of these supplements would not be decisive.

Contrary to what many believe, drinking water does not improve against the virus either. In any case, the consumption of liquids is recommended to expel the virus through the urine.

A balanced diet, with vitamins and minerals, influences the immune system much more. The healing process also takes place on its own; medicines mostly only help control the impact of symptoms.

Measures to prevent the spread of colds in autumn

These guidelines are very effective to take into account and prevent the spread of colds and colds in the fall season:

  • Go out with a coat: We already know that the change in temperature influences the entry of viruses. Therefore, the logical thing is to try to keep warm and avoid being unprotected.
  • Consume citrus fruits: Citrus fruits are a natural source of vitamin C, and also of other minerals. Its nutritional richness allows us to maintain a strong immune system.
  • Wash hands and face constantly: Our hands are a means of transport for viruses and bacteria. If we touch a handrail touched by someone who is sick and we put our fingers to our faces, we will get infected.
  • Ventilate your spaces: Both at home and at work, it is important to open the windows. Air circulation allows its renewal in closed places.
Washing your hands is a basic hygiene measure to prevent colds.

Other tips to protect ourselves in autumn

During cold and rainy days, protection measures must be more rigorous. It all starts with leading a healthy lifestyle, accompanied by a good diet.

Throughout the fall, the simplest habits count. For example, it is important to complete eight hours of sleep during the night. Overstressing the body or voice can facilitate the entry of the virus and cause colds.

It is also advisable to repeatedly change the sheets, as well as avoid reusing the clothes once we go out. The mission is to disinfect everything and try to prevent microorganisms from reproducing easily. Cleaning will be vital.

Even doing all these things, we are likely to inevitably fall into the flu. The important thing is that we already know the reality behind colds and colds. From this, we can better protect ourselves during the autumn season.

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