Tricks To Relieve Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

Tricks to relieve low back pain during pregnancy

Low back pain during pregnancy is as common as it is bothersome. Although low back pain during pregnancy is practically impossible to remove, it can always be relieved by keeping in mind the odd trick.

In order to improve your quality of life and make your pregnancy a happier stage, we give you the following tips:

Keep these tricks in mind for your low back pain

Avoid sitting for a long time

When sitting, your hips, spine, and all the muscles in your lower back are overloaded. Therefore, do not sit for many hours at a time. Alternate rest with getting up, going for a walk, lying down, doing some chore …

Stay active

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Try to be active, put your whole body into operation. If you don’t do physical exercises for one reason or another, at least stretch twice a day.

Take care of your posture

Whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying down, maintain a posture that avoids straining your lower back further. Always stay upright and as straight as possible when lying down.

When you walk you should also try to lift your chest up and lift your belly. If you walk with your torso forward, your back discomfort will worsen.

Sleep on hard bed

Sleeping in a very soft bed that you “sink” into when you lie down makes you hunched over; On the other hand, if you sleep in a harder bed, you will be able to maintain an upright posture and your spine and hips will rest.

Don’t carry excess weight

You should know that in pregnancy it is “forbidden” to carry excess weight, but if by chance you try to ignore this medical recommendation for a moment, to the entire list of contraindications you must add this other: if you carry excess weight, your lower back will hurt more .  

Bend over instead of bending over

Whenever you have to do or pick something up on the ground, or at a level below your waist, squat down or kneel while keeping your back straight.

Avoid bending forward to perform any task because the weight of your belly will pull your back muscles as hard as possible.

Wear the right footwear

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Heels are dangerous during pregnancy because they increase the risk of falling.

Although you have been used to them your whole life, now that you are pregnant you must let them rest in a little corner.

In addition to the danger that they make you run, these delicate, fine and feminine shoes are very good for increasing low back pain; therefore, do not use them; replace them with low, comfortable shoes.

Don’t want to be the hero

Many women, during pregnancy, continue to have responsibilities within the home and must take care of the other children as before. But pregnant women should not be heroines. That is not their role.

Mom, understand that you are in a special period for your life.

Inside you carry a human being who will illuminate you as the remaining children you have, or those to come.

It is yours the responsibility to ensure their health and care, but it is also yours the duty to take care of yourself, protect yourself and live this stage in the best way.

If in the past you were the one who took care of everything, delegate some housework to other family members.

Everyone must contribute and adjust to the new phase that is lived at home.

If you overwork your spine, she will tell you.

Tricks to relieve low back pain during pregnancy

Finally, we have for you another series of tricks that you can put into practice in order to alleviate your lumbar condition; like the above, keep these in mind.

  • Take a dip in the pool. The water lightens your weight, and therefore the stress on your spine. Whenever you can, take a getaway to the pool and stay in the water for a while (after medical consultation)
  • Practice yoga. Yoga exercises can be very good at relieving your pain. If your obstetrician-gynecologist agrees, do not reject this ancient technique that has given so many benefits to other people, pregnant women, including
  • Massage your back. During pregnancy, receiving massages on the legs, shoulders, hips and back, is revitalizing. To enjoy the latter, lie on your left side and let the specialist do his thing. You will see how good you are going to feel.

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