What You Should Bring In Your Suitcase On The Day Of Delivery

What you should bring in your suitcase on the day of delivery

From the moment you reach 32 weeks and if the conditions of your pregnancy are normal, it is convenient that you start preparing everything for the arrival of your baby. Not only should you have your space and things ready, the first step is to fix the suitcase with everything you will need in the hospital on the day of delivery.

These are the items that should not be missing when you are on your way to the hospital to give birth. Take note and don’t forget any of these articles:

Check the list of what you should take to the hospital

  • An identification document with your photograph, either your ID or driver’s license and all the papers you require to enter the hospital.
  • A bathrobe, slippers and stockings. Usually the hospital provides you with a gown for the time after delivery, but it is much better if you have your own items that you will feel comfortable with and have no problem getting dirty. Everything should be comfortable in case it is necessary to take your pressure, a blood sample or any routine exam.
  • An element that helps you relax. Whether it’s music, a book, or anything that can distract you and make you feel less stressed during those moments before your baby arrives.
  • Bathroom elements. You will probably need a towel, soap, and other personal hygiene supplies if you need to spend some extra time in the hospital. Don’t forget your toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, cream, shampoo, and any other tools you use.
  • A warm and soft coat or jacket. Hospitals are not the hottest places, so it is recommended that you have something warm that also helps cover you from the wind when you leave the hospital.
  • Maternal underwear. In particular, the bra must be designed for the lactation period with its bags to deposit breast milk; With an ordinary bra you can end up wetting your blouse and feeling very uncomfortable.
by Lauren Randolph

  • Something to hold your hair up. Preferably a spring or something made of fabric. With the hooks you can hurt yourself and feel very uncomfortable.
  • A phone with sufficient battery and the necessary contact numbers. You never know when you will need to contact someone for an urgent matter, so you should have all the numbers that you might require on hand.
  • Various changes of underwear. After delivery, it is very likely that you will have to change your pantyhose several times, go prepared and take 2 or 3 extra so that you do not have any inconvenience.
  • Clothes to leave the clinic. You should also bring an extra change of clothes by the time you can go home. She is about 6 months pregnant in case your belly is still a little swollen.
  • Clothes for your baby. Naturally, in addition to your own objects, it is necessary that you have a small suitcase to pack the items that your baby will use: his dress, socks, blanket, diapers, hat and all the articles to sanitize him properly.

    Optional items:

    Including these items in your suitcase depends on the conditions of your pregnancy:

    • An extra pillow. Many women cannot fall asleep when they do not have enough pillows, if this is your case, bring your own cushion so you do not have problems when you spend the night.
    • A change of clothes for your companion. Very often it is necessary for women to spend a couple of nights in the hospital after giving birth and if you have someone to spend the night with you, it is convenient that you have a change of clothes ready so that they do not have to rush around the least indicated moment.
    • A photografic camera. If you want to document the time of your delivery, be sure to bring a good camera with charged batteries with you. This way you will have the memories of one of the moments that will never be repeated even if you have another delivery.

      An important point when packing is that you do not take your favorite clothes with you, they can be damaged by many factors. Take to the hospital the items that you do not mind losing due to stains or any hygiene accident that may occur. If you wear glasses, bring them, you might need them at some point.

      You should also keep in mind the weather that may be at the time of delivery, if winter is approaching, bring enough items so that you and the baby are safe from the cold.

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