Increased Perception Of Odors In Pregnancy

In pregnant women, it is normal for the level of production of hormones that intervene in the perception of odors to increase. This causes, in most cases, nausea or vomiting.
Increased perception of odors in pregnancy

While it is true that anyone can experience an increase in the perception of odors in certain circumstances (also known as cacosmia or hyperosmia), some future mothers also. Especially during the first trimester of pregnancy.

It must be remembered that the perception of aromas is carried out first in the brain, specifically in the olfactory bulbs. These are the headquarters of all the impressions that have to do with the odors that reach the body.

It may be that certain pregnant women do not perceive odors to a great extent and go through their process in a normal way. In the opposite case, there are those who during the nine months experience olfactory sensitivity, which even causes nausea.

Precisely, when it comes to the perception of non-existent unpleasant odors, which are called phantom odors, one is in the presence of cacosmia; meanwhile, when they are perceived with great intensity, it is called hyperosmia. In both cases, they can cause nausea and vomiting.

Among the odors that can cause nausea and vomiting are:

  • Coffee.
  • Fragrance.
  • Alcohol.
  • Fish.
  • Cigarette.
  • Raw chicken.
  • Detergents
  • Certain floral aromas.
  • Very spicy meals.

Causes of increased perception of odors in pregnancy

This reaction occurs due to the progressive increase in the level of certain hormones produced in pregnant women, such as progesterone and estrogen. It causes an unpleasant feeling of disgust and incites an upset stomach.

Smell and taste usually work together. This is due to their close connection; then, due to the increased perception of odors in pregnancy, nausea and vomiting often occur.

The increase in the perception of odors in pregnancy is due to the increase in the level of certain hormones.

This increase in the level of the mentioned hormones in pregnancy represents a protective defense; Thus, the pregnant woman defends herself against substances that could be toxic and even harmful to the proper development of the baby.

The way in which a woman’s body defends itself against unpleasant odors during pregnancy is by causing nausea and vomiting; however,  when this becomes constant, it is harmful and even fatal to the baby. By vomiting repeatedly, the stomach walls contract and the placenta where the baby is immersed is pressed, interrupting its healthy development.

Recommendations to avoid discomfort

Given the increase in the perception of odors in pregnancy, mothers who have already detected which ones are harmful must take certain measures to avoid them. Here are some recommendations:

  • Avoid frequenting very closed places: especially where there is a risk of accumulation of unpleasant odors and even gases that could be harmful to both the mother and the developing baby.
  • Do not uncover products made with chemicals with strong odors;  for example paints, laundry detergents or bleaches that could be fatal when inhaled.
  • Reduce participation in preparing meals;  In general, pregnant women cannot bear the odors that certain foods or foods give off, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Avoid approaching people who are smoking.
  • Determine which is the most pleasant scent;  By doing so, you will be able to impregnate or always carry your favorite aroma with you to counteract any discomfort.

Is it necessary to worry?

25% of women experience an increased perception of odors in pregnancy;  These usually appear and disappear suddenly. In those who are not pregnant, this olfactory sensitivity does not take place.

For women who are in the process of pregnancy, it is normal that certain smells are not perceived in a pleasant way and cause certain discomforts ; This happens very often in the first three months of pregnancy.

Increased perception of odors in pregnancy can lead to nausea and vomiting.

However, it ceases to be normal when these discomforts, such as nausea and vomiting caused by odors, transcend the rest of the months. This can be harmful to both mother and baby.

If it were your case that after the first trimester of pregnancy these discomforts still persist very frequently, you should consult a specialist without wasting time. Remember that the effort you make when vomiting can affect the well-being of the baby.

As a final tip, enjoy each stage of your pregnancy with its ups and downs; Despite the inconvenience,  the reward after nine months will be irreplaceable. 

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