6 Lessons From The Diary Of Anne Frank

In each book we find a different lesson, however in The Diary of Anne Frank we find several that are essential for life.
6 lessons from The Diary of Anne Frank

There are a number of classic works that, despite the passage of time, continue to be best sellers , such as The Diary of Anne Frank . The day to day that the little protagonist of the story recounts while in hiding during World War II continues to be read by thousands of people.

The reason this story continues to be so important almost 75 years later is the reality that is depicted in it and the many lessons that such a young girl offers readers. Therefore, today we want to show you a compilation of lessons from The Diary of Anne Frank that we find striking and curious.

Lessons from The Diary of Anne Frank

1. “Who is happy, will make others happy too”

Without a doubt, one of the best known phrases of the protagonist of this classic work is this. It shows the vitality, optimism and happiness that Ana gives off, despite the difficult situation that she has to live while still a child.

What Anne Frank wants to show with this phrase is that, regardless of the circumstances in which we live, we must face life with optimism and as much happiness as possible. In addition, we must make those around us happy, since, in that way, they will also make us happy. Thus, Ana knew that one of the essential parts in life was to be happy.

Anne Frank, a must-have classic for teenagers.

2. “They can shut us up but they can’t stop us from having our own opinions.”

With this phrase we can see the evolution of life and the different situations that adolescents of the past have to experience compared to those of today.

Anyone would say that this phrase is said by a girl of only 12 or 13 years old.  However, Ana, from a very young age, was clear about her political ideals and always wanted to show them, in a subtle way due to the situations of the time, through her diary.

This phrase shows the maturity that, practically obligatory, Ana had to live, going from childhood to adult life in the blink of an eye.

3. “I don’t see the misery there is, but the beauty that still remains”, one of the lessons of The Diary of Anne Frank

Thousands of Jews hiding in their homes, thousands more suffering in concentration camps and as many dead. But, despite all the misfortunes and miseries that came to Anne Frank every day from abroad, she always knew how to turn the situation around and think about all the good that would come when all that was over.

More lessons from The Diary of Anne Frank

4. “Free people will never be able to conceive what books mean to those of us who live locked up”

One of the most fantastic lessons from The Diary of Anne Frank that the protagonist left us is this. Her passion for writing was linked to her passion for reading, because for her books were an escape route and a way to continue learning and cultivating herself.

The books were for Ana like her friends because, without being able to go out for months, the options to enjoy some activity were reduced to practically none.

For this reason, Anne Frank describes books as her greatest ally during the time she was locked up, an escape route to keep her head and mind centered.

The Diary of Anne Frank and its fantastic lessons.

5. “Women must be respected. Generally speaking, men are held in high esteem in all parts of the world, so why can’t women have their share? “

The figure of women and equality between men and women is one of the issues that is being discussed most at present. However, it is fascinating how 75 years ago a girl of only 12 years old was aware of the social inequalities, much more aggravated at that time, that existed and continue to exist.

In these lines we can see Anne Frank’s misunderstanding of the little respect and importance given to women compared to men in any area of ​​life, an aspect that is still being eradicated today. .

6. “How wonderful it is that no one has to wait a moment before starting to improve the world”

Other of the lessons of The Diary of Anne Frank that impacts the most is, without a doubt, this one. The thought and idea of ​​changing the world with small actions and decisions is not common in children of such a young age. However, once again, Anne Frank shows her maturity.

With this phrase, the protagonist of the newspaper wants to show that, with small actions, the world can get better, in addition to that no one should wait if they want to change some aspect of their life.

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