9 Benefits Of Breastfeeding For You, Mom

Breastfeeding has all the nutrients necessary for the proper development of the baby’s body. In addition, the breastfeeding process generates benefits for the mother.
9 benefits of breastfeeding for you, mom

Breastfeeding is as positive for the baby as it is for the mother. There is always talk of how good it is for children, but what about mothers? Of course there are advantages, not only physical, but also emotionally. Discover the benefits of breastfeeding for you.

Many mothers decide to breastfeed because of how positive it is for their little ones to drink breast milk. But they see breastfeeding as martyrdom only justified by the reason that it is good for the health of their child.

The best method of feeding the baby

What many do not know is that it is not only beneficial for the child, but also for the mothers. Perhaps knowing how good breastfeeding is for your health, many would not see it as uncomfortable. They would not be discouraged by the difficulties of this period.

Because let’s be honest, it’s not easy. As in everything, it takes time and learning, but once we master it, it is rewarding and healthy for both of us. Although do not forget that as we are going to see, the benefits of breastfeeding are many and very good.

Next we are going to analyze a series of health benefits of breastfeeding.


The health benefits of breastfeeding

1. Helps to lose weight after childbirth naturally

After delivery, breastfeeding makes you lose weight. Breastfeeding consumes between 430 and 520 calories a day.

2. Suction accelerates the contraction of the uterus

When your child sucks, your oxytocin levels rise. This helps the uterus contract and reduces postpartum bleeding. This makes the woman’s body return to normal faster.

3. Lower risk of some types of cancer

There is scientific evidence that indicates that if a woman breastfeeds, the possibility of developing breast cancer is reduced by 4.5% each year that you breastfeed. The probability of developing ovarian cancer is also reduced by 28% per year of continuous breastfeeding. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Human Lactation.

4. Contraceptive effect

While you are breastfeeding, ovulation is delayed. That is why it is effective to prevent pregnancy in the first 6 months. Time used by the body to recover from pregnancy.

This benefit is fantastic if you take them every 2 hours. Once these are spaced and the baby consumes less milk, you should take other contraceptive methods.

5. Protects against postpartum depression

Breastfeeding, as we have said before, is related to the release of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is related to the appearance of positive feelings: love, happiness, attachment, etc. This makes you less prone to postpartum depression, according to research published in the Latin American Journal of Nursing.

6. Breast milk is cheaper than artificial milk

If you decide to breastfeed, you will also save money, since artificial milk is quite expensive. So it is also a benefit for the family economy.


7. Lower risk of osteoporosis

In the long term, breastfeeding increases a woman’s calcium stores. Although metabolism increases with breastfeeding, calcium absorption also increases. This ultimately lowers the chances of bone fractures.

8. Helps sleep and promotes rest

With breastfeeding, the hormone prolactin is released, which stimulates milk production. This hormone has a relaxing effect on both mother and baby.

9. Increases self-confidence and security of moms

Breastfeeding gives the mother a high level of satisfaction, since the nourishment of her child depends on her. That physical and emotional satisfaction that it provides to its baby, causes positive feelings in mothers. This increases confidence and self-assurance.

Breastfeeding is beneficial

Surely you did not know all the benefits that breastfeeding has on you too, mom. Well, from now on, you know a little more about all the good things that breastfeeding our child can bring us.

Breastfeeding is not only good for our baby’s physical and emotional health, but also for moms. There is nothing better than that moment of union between a mother and a child, when it comes to feeding it.

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