Habits That Benefit Intestinal Transit In Pregnancy

Fiber can help reduce traffic problems during pregnancy, therefore it is necessary to ensure its intake.
Habits that benefit intestinal transit in pregnancy

Intestinal transit irregularity is common during pregnancy, but it is something that can be prevented and improved. Similarly, it is important to avoid episodes of constipation, which is why it is worth acquiring habits that benefit the digestive system, especially in the last months of pregnancy.

When the regularity of intestinal transit is altered, there may be many discomforts, which are combined with other conditions of pregnancy, causing a difficult situation for the pregnant woman. However, this problem can be avoided if we start healthy routines and particularly aimed at improving the function of our body in this regard.

Both hormonal changes, such as the pressure of the fetus on the intestine and the consumption of some vitamin supplements, can alter digestive function. Fortunately, the unwanted effects of these elements can be avoided, for this we can modify a large part of our general habits.

 How to improve intestinal transit?

To assess whether there is a regular bowel movement, specialists try to identify the time it takes for food to get from the mouth to the small intestine. In general, the period of the journey is similar in most people, with women having the highest incidence of constipation.


It is said that there is a delay in the emptying of the intestine when the person has fewer than three weekly evacuations. In these cases, people can suffer from constipation that leads them to make great efforts to defecate, since the consistency of the stool makes it difficult.

In this sense, the experts explain that the causes of irregularity in intestinal transit are derived from the habits of each person. Although certain conditions of pregnancy generate a greater propensity to suffer constipation, it is known that advanced age, diet and lifestyle are among the main triggers of this problem.

Intestinal transit can improve if we put into practice a series of healthy habits, we also teach you to prevent constipation with the following tips:

  1. Adjust your diet

Our eating habits could be damaging the function of the digestive system, so it is convenient to modify them in relation to the foods that benefit you the most. A diet rich in fiber is permissible when we want to control weight and regulate intestinal transit, according to an article published in the journal “The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.”

foods that improve intestinal transit

In addition , the fiber in food allows you to control excess fat and balance the nutrients in the body. A fiber-based diet should contain many legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables; In addition, spices such as rosemary and cinnamon are highly recommended.

  1. Drink enough water

Hydration is very important to help improve stool consistency, which facilitates evacuation. Drinking enough water implies that we do it even when we are not thirsty, because leaving it until the last moment allows us to become dehydrated.

In addition to drinking plenty of water, it is advisable to incorporate foods rich in water to our diet ; soups, natural juices and fruits complement this element. Remember that hydration not only helps with constipation, it also contributes to the relief of hemorrhoids, another common inconvenience in pregnancy.

  1. Exercise

A pregnant woman can perform gentle exercises such as swimming or yoga, if she is an athlete it is okay to continue her training adapting it to her condition. Physical exercise helps with the functioning of the digestive system because the body goes into motion. This is stated in an article published in the “Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology”.

For its part, a sedentary lifestyle impairs the correct function of intestinal transit, which is why it is advisable to take daily walks and take advantage of all the opportunities to be in movement. Park your car a little further, take the stairs, and do outdoor activities.

  1. Help your gut

Some extra practices can help avoid constipation, for example, it is convenient to educate the body to go to the bathroom at the same time each day ; It is also advisable to defecate as soon as we have the need, so as not to lose the reflex if we postpone it. Drinking warm water on an empty stomach is a very healthy alternative in these cases, it can be a hot infusion, preferably based on plums.

Diet and exercise to avoid constipation

If you suffer from constipation during pregnancy, remember that the best possible intervention is to increase exercise and make changes to your diet. Include foods rich in fiber and hydrate yourself well to improve the transit and lubrication of the stool.

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