How To Stimulate The Intelligence Of The Baby During Pregnancy?

How to stimulate the intelligence of the baby during pregnancy?

There are studies that show that there is a very intimate connection between the stimulation of the baby, the intelligence, the increase of the motor capacity, the language and the social capacity of the child. All of this is important when you want your child to develop his intelligence and talents.

Some of those studies discuss the use of music during pregnancy. In our days the image of a pregnant woman with hearing aids on her belly is very common, and there is really a very close connection between communication with the baby and its development as a newborn. Many of these researchers claim that putting music to the baby in the womb increases his ability to learn and his intelligence will develop at a faster pace once he is born.

The same argument can be applied to reading to your baby during pregnancy. Once her ears have developed, reading to baby can help her language develop early. Other actions that increase prenatal intelligence and that help the baby learn during his stay in the womb, include teaching vocabulary associated with the action.

For example, you should say the word loud and clear, while at the same time performing that action. This will help your baby to associate words with action and will be able to learn more quickly when it is born.

Many babies have been shown to recognize voices and music that they heard while in the womb. Moreover, when the mother wants to calm the baby, she usually places her head on the left side, where she can listen to the heartbeat and relax since this is a sound that she recognizes and calms her down.

reading to baby promotes intelligence

Stimulating the senses helps intelligence

Prenatal stimulation is a technique that has become very popular. The baby is exposed to a wide variety of stimuli while in the womb and as he recognizes them, he learns to react to each of them. This frequent exposure is what stimulates the central nervous system and helps increase the intelligence of the baby during pregnancy.

Babies who are stimulated during pregnancy have better motor, visual, auditory and language development. These babies tend to show greater self-confidence, are more alert, and are happier than babies who were not stimulated.

Musical pieces and voices that were used to stimulate the baby during pregnancy generally have a calming effect after birth. Studies show that prenatal stimulation has a positive impact on a baby’s learning abilities at birth and that this advance is maintained throughout childhood. 

They also show that stimulated babies have better stress management and this shows a more developed central nervous system. The caresses on the mother’s belly and generating spaces of relaxation in which she is comfortable and at ease will always be pleasant scenarios for both, which will improve the anxiety of the pregnant woman and strengthen the affective bond with her child.

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What is the best time of pregnancy to stimulate the baby

It is best to start stimulating your baby around three months of pregnancy. Although hearing does not develop until five months, you can use touch, light and vibrations at this time, and at 5 months you start with music and songs.

The baby is also affected by your condition. A mother who knows how to relax will teach the baby to do it easily and reducing stress will help the child’s brain development. The way the parents interact with the baby, even in the womb, can have a lasting effect because they will feel loved and therefore confident.

It is important that this stimulation is introduced in an organized manner. When it is done this way, it is much easier for your baby to organize it in his brain. At this time the baby is completely dependent on the parents to make sense of this stimulation and not to overstimulate it because this can cause stress and it would no longer be able to organize all this information.

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