My Baby Wants To Be In My Arms All The Time

My baby wants to be in my arms all the time

Being in the arms of mom, dad, or any other adult in the family that you feel attached to is one of a baby’s favorite “hobbies”. In this text, we will help you understand where that passion comes from and we will offer you some tips that may well serve you.

Where does the habit of wanting to be in your arms come from?

The habit of wanting to always be in arms arises from the very nature of humans. We are beings that need affection to grow; Therefore, as if it were a fertilizer, even from birth, we seek love to develop and be happy.

You also have to know that, naturally, the baby has a certain preference for its mother; after all, it was inside your uterus for 40 weeks or more.

It is from her who now obtains the so precious food. She is the one who usually sings to him, sleeps him, changes his diaper, bathes him… so it is not surprising that he feels better on top of mom than on anyone else.

On the other hand, the small child does not like to be alone, loneliness gives him the feeling that he is unprotected. On the other hand, constant company and being held in your arms calm him down, give him security.

A baby needs to have this emotional support to grow emotionally and from the first months of life, build his self-esteem.

Although many parents consider that the baby who claims the arms of his adults is spoiled and that is why he gets silly and cries as soon as they put him to bed in his crib, it is necessary to know that affection and skin-to-skin contact is more necessary in the early ages than any other.

At what point does this need become harmful?

Although, as we have mentioned, carrying the child in your arms is vital for its healthy development, there are cases in which this practice becomes harmful for both the mother and her child.

There are babies who just want to be held in their mother’s arms and cry uncontrollably when put in the crib or carried by someone else.

This desire, more than beneficial, comes to harm him because it makes him totally dependent on his mother’s lap.

The child becomes unable to do things alone, or at least try to do them.

For mom, who needs rest so badly, this constant chore stresses her, depresses her and makes her cry …

What to do when the situation becomes untenable?

Although at no time should the baby be deprived of affection, the practice of being in the arms all the time can, more than give benefits, do him harm.

The child in this case, as he grows up, does not advance in the scope of his autonomy . For him, mom is the one who should do everything to him.

If, for example, she is unable to hold her bottle while drinking milk and it has to be mother who gives it to her, because otherwise she stops feeding and starts crying; or if when the pacifier falls out, he does not want to take it and it must also be a mother who puts it in his mouth, this child, indisputably, needs to get rid of the umbilical cord that ties him.

How to proceed then?

dad with baby in arms

We once again emphasize that the baby should never be deprived of affection. You have to carry him, pamper him, cradle him, kiss him, caress him, play with him and take care of him in every way; But in the event that the attachment to mother becomes “chronic”, the mother herself, and the rest of the family, for the baby’s sake, must act.

Here are two good tips to help you in this regard:

The enjoyment of pleasant moments with other people

Mom must stop being the center of the world. Your baby can begin to understand this by spending time with other people, be it family members or friends.

If the grandfather is the one who plays with him in the morning, the uncle is the one who takes him out for a walk in the afternoon and the cousin who gives him the porridge that he likes so much, little by little, mother will begin to lose her prominence.

Stimulating their development

Babies are always hungry for new learning. Putting him on the ground to strengthen his little body, give him new toys or objects that he can experiment with, or help him crawl if he is already in that process, it will help him to get rid of the arms that until recently were essential.

As always, these types of activities should be done alternating between mom and other members of the household.

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